Doili Blaberfu

   Once a prestigious cleric of Deep Duerra, and versed in the ways of The Invisible Art, the secrets of psionics stolen from mindflayers, Doili was however exiled and branded with tattoos on her forearms.
  Was it just political intrigue that got her exiled, or some heinous act against her fellow grey dwarves, she keeps this a guarded secret to this day.
  She displays the typical dark dwarven resilience and body constitution, chunky stubborn and arrogant, always huffing her nose up in the air, though that makes her plump curves stand out even more when doing so.
  Another secret that she usually keeps hidden is the bulge in her trousers, concealed and carefully packed in as to not stand out too obscenely, a feat difficult given it's wide girth.

Commander of the Crimson Flails

The Crimson Flails are a private military company led by the duergar exile Doili Blaberfu, dedicated to lifting eager recruits above the rank of novice or otherwise unskilled, into potential future combatants, soldiers and guards.

[[This character is set to be locked at level 10 and help other players with the level 1-15ish grind. If you'd like to adventure with her, either approach directly in-character or send me a /tell and we can set up a scene & have her hired as your mercenary]]

Greenlights: Flirting, Foreplay, Sextoys, Quickies, Relationships

Redlights: Ageplay, Scat, Overly pretentious prissy malicious bratty visual tease hell loops that outright don't function and never go anywhere with anything, Most elves, Drama, Emotional Vampirism
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Dwarf