
Thre is what one could call a Lupine, another would call a wolf-person. However you choose to call her, she is a wolf, walking on her hind legs, with the ability to speak Common (and sometimes French) and having a broad enough understanding of civilization that she knows not to bite people at random.

In regards to appearance her fur is of a darker shade. Some would say it is blue, others would say it is a shade of ?midnight?. However you choose to interpret it, it is thick, yet soft, and atop of her head a punk-like almost-mohawk, that ?flails? wildly in the wind or in combat, adding a small note to the Lupine's already bestial nature and behaviour.

While only slightly taller than the average human, she appears to be both a relatively new arrival to the city, and young, eager to sharpen her teeth and claws on beasts and monsters that so happen to stand in her way.

To do so she uses a selection of primitive yet effective weapons, most of them fashioned out of stone or bone. The most peculiar piece of equipment that she uses is a door, that Thre must had stolen from somewhere, which is now used as an improvised shield, with her paw marks all over its front.

Aside from this impressive shield there seems to be very little that would offer Thre protection, thus revealing perhaps a bit too much of her body for those with an appetite for something different. Aside from some arm guards and bracelets the only other notable pieces of clothing on her is a massive, heavy bear cloak, which one could argue protects her back, somewhat, and a spiked collar, which is either a cosmetic accessory or meant to protect her neck.

Presented with this Wolf-Person, who is primitive and savage, who barely understands the concept of clothing and the common tongue, is she a rampaging monster? Perhaps not. Most of her bloodlust, sated in her hunts, when not hunting she chooses to relax, eat and cook, talking to people, sharing stories of battle and sometimes allowing for a friendly spar, as long as she is allowed to fight her own way.

Romantically active? Of course. It's Sinfar after all.

Greens: Many, many things, but Thre will always have a soft spot for other Wolf people. Warrior types especially.

Yellow: Women. Might or might not happen.

Reds: Toilet Stuff, and anything against the Server Rules (duh).

Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human