Akiyama Fuuko

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Age: 44

Sex: Female

Race: Human

Alignment: Neutral Good

Height: 5,7 feet

Weight: 165 lbs

Bust: 42J

Hair: Bright and Vibrant Blonde

Eyes: Green


Akiyama Fuuko was a well respected and adored teacher in the quaint little High-School that she teaches in. She was an adored instructor not only for her caring demeanor but also because she was quite a looker and seemed, if nothing else, to enjoy showing off her body. Akiyama was quite the lush, and had a bombastic personality that made her quite lovable to most that met her. She was very expressive, if a little ditzy at times; she always seemed to have an expansive lesson at the ready and was all too eager to help those that needed just a little bit more in education. Standing at a modest height, some of her stand out features were her vibrant blonde hair that was almost golden in it's shade. Much like her hair she had bright emerald colored eyes that seemed to always catch the sun just right giving them a bright glow that was only aided by her award winning personality. Others however might find themselves more drawn to her "feminine" features, and in that regard Akiyama was surely not lacking in the slightest. She was not a thing, or waifish woman, nowhere was this perhaps more obvious than her chest which was always proudly on display in whatever garment she was wearing. Indeed if she were feeling particularly risque then one might find her in garments that would just about stretch the bounds of what she SHOULD be wearing for a set of breasts that large! Each orb was capped in a pinkish little nipple, both having a terrible habit of making their presence known when Akiyama found herself flustered or otherwise roused towards thoughts that were unfitting of a modest teacher such as herself.

Further down one would reach her tummy, which had just enough flab for one to get a good little pinch in, thankfully though her belly was always covered up in whatever garment she was wearing. Below that one would meet with her hips, and they were quite wide; giving the woman a slight hour-glass figure that many might find attractive. Both of her thighs were quite thick and seemed to hint that Akiyama did more than lecture as there was quite a bit of muscle to be found! The rest of her legs were long, pale and elegant; they had to be to support such a top heavy and graceful woman like Akiyama. Nestled up and in between her thighs was a forbidden zone that nobody should tread upon let alone think about... A tight and rather small slit that made up the blooming flower that was her vagina, lips as pink as can be and sitting atop was a slightly engorged and reddish button that seemed to beg to be poked, prodded or flicked! Opposite of all of this was her bottom, which was rounded out and seemed to jut out just a touch past the rest of her body. Each cheek was a little more than a handful for most and nestled in between was a puckered little star that actually was about as tight as it looked. Akiyama was a woman adored not just for her academic dedication but for her body as well. Many students and teachers would find themselves taken with her appearance and dream up excuses and schemes on how to get alone time with her, some were more innocent than others. Thankfully though she was a well educated woman and smart enough to understand the sly and tricky ways of others; often times she delighted in subverting their expectations.

It was however clear that she enjoyed the attention to some extent, as anyone that watched her from afar could attest, she always had a sly grin upon her features as she was leaning over a student to point at words in a textbook; casually allowing her expansive bust to rest upon her students shoulder. Or when she happened to drop something in front of someone and had to kneel down to pick it up, giving her ample opportunity to show off her bubbly bottom that was only barely covered by a skirt that was just a ~little~ bit too short, or give someone a wondrous view right into the expansive valley of cleavage between her massive breasts as gravity had their way with them. Accidents weren't uncommon, and while she was quick to cover herself up in these instances; it did give a lucky few the opportunity to see more intimate details about the woman, these instances momentarily breaking through her teasing persona and even causing her to blush a little! While many would fall for the image of a ditzy and chipper blonde that she was; it was if nothing else a complete façade; her mind always seemed to be one step ahead and she was anything but defenseless. Rumors were abound that she was prone to breaking fingers, hands and even arms if someone were to push their luck too far, or... Heaven forbid actually try to assault her. It was anyone's guess where such a woman would learn such elaborate martial arts as she has but it would give many pause. That and her seemingly uncanny ability to move about without being seen, let alone heard... Indeed she always seemed to turn up when others would least expect it.

~Sneaky Sexy Ninja~

There just had to be a secret and in this instance... There actually was! The woman known as Akiyama Fuuko was in secret a Kunoichi, one dedicated to the eradication of terrible demons that often preyed upon the mortals of earth. Garbing herself in a very scantily clad latex body suit; the garment was form fitting, which was a VERY impressive sight given Akiyama's incredible figure. The material was stretched tightly over her breasts, clinging and hugging them tightly which had the side effect of giving one a very clear and obvious view of the shape of her nipples as they were so tightly packed within. Her underarms were exposed, and indeed this was a trend that continued down along her hips as they too were exposed and completely on display; this however was probably a good thing as having the outfit contain her breast was such a fear; it surely would struggle even harder to conform to the shape of her child-bearing hips! A good portion of the leggings looked to be made of some manner of fishnets that she might be wearing under the garment, with only a scant bit of latex covering the petals to her flower. It was an outfit designed for flexibility, and stealth most certainly; nothing on her outfit was loose and her movements were as silent as can be. It did seem a bit lacking in terms of protection, with the only parts of the garment that could be considered armored were her forearms, and shins. Her footwear was even incorporated into the outfit as her seemingly normal high heels looked to incorporate a rather sharp looking blade into the base of the supporting heel, it's a wonder she can even move around in that let alone sneak!

She was a silent warrior that oft made use of misdirection, ancient magicks and stealth. However when push came to shove she wasn't a light weight and could fight like none other! Despite her frame and figure she was quick, impossibly so even as a simple punch could be followed up by a flurry of kicks all before one could blink, her speed could in some respects correctly be stated as "beyond" what any normal human could reach in their life time. Many might assume that this made her as fragile as glass but they would be in for quite the surprise, as she certainly preferred to NOT be on the receiving end of an attack; she was more than capable of shrugging off minor blows and even crippling strikes that would shatter another's bones would only leave a nasty bruise on this lady. She preferred kicks to punches as the bulk of her strength looked to be in her legs and core; her hands more often than not made use of her signature weapon: an exotic and fantastical whip that looked at first like a rose; but when it's steel handle was held by Akiyama its thong would lengthen outwards and find itself covered in jagged and protruding thorn like edges that promised to eat into and leave a nasty puncture wound on whatever it managed to land against. Each crack of the whip seemed to cause a burst of red petals from the flower like edge, each of these being about as sharp as a razor. It was a deviant weapon to be certain, often times A
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human