Queen Kela

Shes a ware beastkin (WIP)

I do ERP and RP in first person  alot if you dont like it please tell me before we start rp thanks ( i come from games where first person rps are normal)

Shes a Panther Ware Beastkin
SHes a hermaphrodite and a dominate she loves to cuddle those smaller then her

In her Humanoid form she has elven features

She is the house pet of Kela( shes the only one shes a subs for)

Shes also covered in a semithick cot of fur and when you get close she smells like a shop that sells sweets

Abilitys from her animel type

us almost always nude especialy after bathing and if she feels like it( not all cuddling will lead to sex)

1. keen senses (sight/smell/hear) she can sense most stuff and smells
2. (animel ability  (Sense fear or despire) she can sense if someones in danger ( will ask ooc permission before inferfaring with rp)

ahe has a deep mistrust for males because of her past but shes find with futas/herms because thay where normal in her tribe
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human