
Name: Nupea (New-Pee-Ya)
Race: Faun
Gender: All-female all the time (But see notes below)
Age: who knows
Weight: 95-100 lbs
Height: 4' 7"

What stands before you?

Before you stood what could be either a satyr or faun. Though the more delicate less scruffy appearance and colors would suggest she is likely the latter.

Starting from the top, one would immediately notice the large rack ...of antlers atop her head. Thrusting up from the silky pale strands of her hair. Those delicate locks of platinum blonde are most often held back firmly in a knot. From the knot, her hair sprouted out in a puff of curls.

Large rather emotive ears thrust from either side of her head. Those silly locks framed her delicate features, set within which, were two sylvan green pools, no distinguishable pupils were evident.

A mantle of soft plush fur draped down around her neck and into her cleavage. A generous but not ridiculous-sized bust thrust out in front of her rarely covered in anything but the simplest of fabrics. In truth, her entire frame is covered in the softest velvety coat of short fur.

Her waist synched into a slim, delicate size before those hips flared wide. At the base of her tailbone, a soft fluffy tail twitches behind her. Short soft and two-toned, it tends to flick and wiggle depending on her emotional state. Carried upon those wide hips, the weight of her plump juicy backside. All of which sat upon the long sleek legs of the faun. Pale fur like her hair sprouted from her knees and carried on down her bent legs to her ankles and sharp deer-like hooves. A simple loincloth was usually all she wore though on occasion she might be seen in some other more civilized designs.


Though she can be both timid and anxious, Nupea is a sweet gal, warm and friendly until someone gives her cause not to be.

Unfortunately, she is naive to a fault. She is not the least bit used to city life or those who frequent it. Her experiences with anyone outside her home and others of her kind are extremely limited. And much to her chagrin this is generally very apparent after a short conversation with the flighty creature.


~While Nupea is 100% female and has no ability or desire to shift into a male, she does have an enlarged clit. A thick bulbous little nub when not in a state of arousal, it swells and elongates to nearly 4" in length, when she gets excited. This is something she is wildly embarrassed about.

~She also seems to be in a perpetual state of lactation. Though of course isn't dripping all over herself. One can easily coax warm sweet milk from her with a bit of intentional effort.

~It would seem the little faun has run afoul of some manner of fiend or another. Recently she has been cursed with perpetual virginity. No matter how brutal and harshly she is taken, Once finished her body will automatically tighten and heal itself returning her to a state of untouched purity and all the discomforts that bring with it.


Not much to see here. No scat, nothing against server rules, and no godgaming. Otherwise, She is fresh and ready to experience whatever the world has in store for her. I prefer a more in-depth RP. Plot, story, purpose, etc, are all important parts and make any s/erp all the better.

While she might not find it as appealing, The rougher stuff is far more interesting than the lovey-dovey stuff. I really prefer darker themes and am open to just about anything in that department. Though don't let that stop you from approaching her.  She also prefers men, though is not entirely against other genders.

Feel free to send a tell if you have questions. Though I will not make any RP promises beyond if you catch her in-game feel free to chat her up and we will see how things go from there :)
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf