Clarrise Elernas

Portrait Save
Name : Clarrise Elernas
Race : Human
Sex : Female (Tentacles if interested)
Gender : Female
Physique; Slim, but curved in all the right places.
Age: 26
Height : 5'6"
Weight: Go ahead and ask, I dare you...
Skin Color : Pale White
Hair Color : Snow White
Hair Length : Lower back, usually in a ponytail
Eye Color : Left Blood Red, Right Icey Blue
Scent: Lavender  
Orientation: Pan-Sexual
Alignment: True Neutral
Class: Pure Sorceress
Specialty: Necromancy and Evocation

A regal beauty with pale skin stands before you with an stern expression of neutrality on her face, though she does seem to show a smaller kinder side around those she shows some level of fondness with. Her eyes show signs of both cunning and analytical intelligence of one who has seen hardship and battle on a regular basis.

Despite a body that seems to have more then its fair share of curve's, rear and breasts bouncing with every step, she doesn't seem interested in flaunting it, merely going along as normal as ever even with the leers of interests many of the denizens of the isle shoot her way.

Around her right wrist is a charm bracelet, with 2 separate gemstones in the shape of animals on it, one a emerald rabbit, with the other a amethyst and emerald fox. Each looks as if magically altered to be both beautiful yet sturdy, as if they were made with tender care.

To those of the more arcane inclination, they can feel massive amount of magic flowing through her body, the air around her crackling with energy as she merely stands there reigning it in subconsciously, though it does seem to flare up lightly if she is particularly stimulated.


To those able to sense it, there seems to be more ethereal ties to her, one that seems died to the ocean, deep underwater, while another seeps in darkness itself. When she taps into the darkness, she seems to be able to grow a large ovipositor form her folds, which allows her to breed strange creatures within those she's enters. With the sea, she can grow 4 blue slippery tentacles from the same place, drenched with her fluids and with minds and openings of their own, able to lay eggs of a kraken within her (un)willing partners.

After a long and painful process, her once skeletal left arm has been restored to normal, and a weight seems to have been lifted off of her, with the removal of her painful past for all to see.

// OOC

If interested in starting something, or if just want to know more about, feel free to send a tell, I'm always interested in meeting new people, and learning as I go along.

(Ask about these and ill use them, not going to use if i am not informed)


Females, Shemales, Rp, Humanoid or Monstrous lovers, and more, feel free to send a tell with questions.

Yellows: Non-con, ask first. Modification, ask first.

Gore, Vore, Males( ERP, RP is totally fine), toilet play, diaper play, OOC drama, over aggressiveness, pain for sake of it, Mind Control, Slavery.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human