Kisa Shi

A dark haired man, with handsome eastern features and darker tanned skin. Large deep eyes, a pale yellow-green. Though one now bears a slashing scar from forehead to cheek, the eye in it's socket a dead milky white.

His face cuts in a way that is somewhat strange but handsome in it's own exotic way. Youthful and almost hard to place an exact age to, a little foreign to both western and eastern viewers but.. with some kind of alluring draw for both.

Usually, he cuts a rugged figure dressed in some form of traditional clothing or tight practical garb. Wearing sandals, and a tight sash belt every step of which jingles softly with small bells hanging from it's side.

Flowing with movements that are both quick and sure. Showing some skill and training in that regard, his step is very light. The lines of his slight body lithe and athletic, accentuated with peeking shows of muscle in the places that are alluring.

If you catch his bare chest, as one often might given his nature to wear open tops, one would catch a golden mark. A pawprint, looking too small to be canine and too long to be feline. Looking almost seared gently into the delicate flesh there and with the glint of real gold. It looks old and he idles with his finger along the edge of his robe sometimes when he is introspective.

He is a actually a Nekomata, a yokai and not a person at all but a cat. A being that comes to awakening after such feline achieves great age or by being fortunately born with a luxurious long tail to start. Of which it's length eventually splits into two and allows such a cat to become a spirit. Known to be both aspects of fortune and misfortune, they can be mischievous, spiteful and malicious one moment and cuddly, affable and affectionate the next. You can be sure that times with one by your side will never be boring, just... watch the claws.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Elf