
Before you stands a proud female centaur, standing at 7'2" and typically either wearing a full set of armor like a jousting horse, covering her flanks, or when she is in more casual wearing a horse skirt that lightly billows as she strides. Her skin is tanned from life in the outdoors and her hair, both on her horse end and top are a chocolate shade of brown.

Examining her form more closely, she is immensely muscular, easily sporting rippling biceps with a cut sixpack and has battle scars littering her form from a life of battling on the frontlines. Her bust is a modest C-cup, and her hair typically done up in a pony-tail haphazardly, as if just to keep it out of her way. Her brown eyes upon first glance seem stern, but there is a kindness in them, as well as a definite uncertainty when not on the field of battle, seemingly unused to social interactions. Regularly she is seen with a blue crystal flower tucked behind her left ear into her hair. She is often seen lightly stamping her feet or exhaling deeply, though those familiar with Centaur physiology know they require a great deal of oxygen, so often breath very hard naturally. Her weapons of choice appear to be large, brutal looking curved swords, that she keeps hooked on her flanks, a single handed one and a two handed one.

If one were to somehow find their way under the Centauress' perpetual skirts she wears, armored or cloth, hidden away under there is a rather sizable sack and equine sheath, a female organ nowhere to be seen, though this seems to be a fact the Centauress does her best to avoid drawing attention to.


OOC Centaur Information (Character may or may not know this, depending on how familiar they are with Centaur Biology!)

Centaur require 4 times as much food and 2 times as much water as the average human, due to their size and energy consumption. They also require far more oxygen than either humans or horses, but their large lungs allow them to hold their breaths for similar duration as a human.

A Centaur's upper torso contains the large lungs, the heart(Located closer to where the liver would be) and Primary stomach. The rest of their organs and digestive system is in their lower half.

A Centaur's digestive system is quite large, containing four separate stomachs in a series. Each stomach is designed to break down different things, resulting in them being omnivorous. This however also makes them exceptionally vulnerable to ingested poisons, especially alcohol, even a small glass of it capable of inebriating a fully grown centaur in moments.

Many would imagine centaurs to be awkward and stiff due to their unusual anatomy, though this could not be farther from the truth. Most centaurs are flexible enough that they can touch every part of their body with their hands, and some can even touch their face to their rump or back heels. Centaurs are known for their graceful, deliberate movement, which contrasts against the halting, nervous movements of other hoofed creatures such as horses.


OOC Lights: Open to most things aside from the usual obvious of Toilet play and server rules, just prefer it is RP'd up to and for more 'aggressive' acts it be telled ahead of time and asked about. Very tell friendly and enjoy RP!
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Uknown