Helen Dragonsong

Name; Helen Dragonsong
Race: Half Celestrial/Half Tiefling

If you wanna hug her go ahead she loves hugs and snuggles

There is Something odd about her but noone can place it

Cock size flaccid: 2 and a half feet long and  2 inches wide
Cock size aroused: 3 foot long and 3 inches thick

(ooc) Her body is acualy inhabited by a very old spirit that helps her alot when she snaps to change her cloth it the acual creature

SHe doesnt belive in soulmates or lovers just fuck buddys she wont become attached

She is ususaly humming while she walks as well

Im Very Tell friendly so dont be afraaid to chat ooc or ic in tells i dont bite...........Hard

Class: Cleric/Bard/monk
Deity: Sune

She has a calming aura about her and a lavander scent wen you get close caseung most to relax in her prescence. She also is open to be confessed to and will offer advice if it can help

Born you stands an oddity a half Celestrial/Half Teifling girl. She was born from a Celestrial Dad and a teifling mom who met on the battlefiend where thay fell in love and had Helena. She was born during a verious ominus time when the neverwinter was going through succesion wars she was gifted with un natral abilitys and was very strong as a kid. She tained with her dads friend who was a weaponmaster who taught her the basics and she kept training a lot to become the best at useing a whip. She was also born with black wings anf teifling horns and tail but she learned magic from her mother she unstands all forms of magic and loves most people unless thay force there will on her.

She was what most would call a caring and kind kid. She was always a heavy sleeper.

She was well Educated and got top marks but was never truly accepted at 15 she graduated and went to learn more about the world by joining the military having fought in many battles she was a great asset even becoming friends with the princess of neverwinter the two became inseparable until she was married off to a noble where they where still friends sending letters till one day they stopped arriving she later found out that the princess was killed by rebels in said kingdom she was disheartened until one day she met a young girl who had a necklace around her neck it was the princesses little girl she took her to the orphanage keeping her save where she visited in her off time giving what funds she could to the orphans and setting a nest egg away for the girl this continued for years till she was old enough to be on her own despite many years she never changed but the girl grew up and left neverwinter with Helens blessing.

a few years latter she eventually bought the orphanage and helped raise the kids she saw many kids age and many baby's abandoned on the battlefield she eventually quit to later rejoin the militry years later

She knew so many generations of kings she was well liked which many nobles didn't like the fact a common lady became leader of a group of knights

Helen's life turned after she rejoined the military where she advanced through the ranks faster then anyone she was in command of a battalion of knights but do to a betrayal she was surrounded though she didn't stop she fought every enemy off being exhausted and tired she saw her king was in trouble when she gathered her strength and charged the enemy line offering a challenge to anyone she told her king to run and stayed to protect his rear from assault all seemed lost in the fight as she fought like a beast she heard a voice telling her not to give into despair and to keep fighting seeing what looked like a female celestial offering her a hand as she took it and got up renewed she beat back all the enemies forcing the enemy to retreat from the field her journey back to the capital of Neverwinter was long.

She was traveling through a dense forest when a thick fog rolled in as she couldn't see anything she was worried moveing through the mist she appered in an area unknown to her it was a strange place to be curtain unlike neverwinter this strange land called sinfar.

Reds: Scat/permastuff
Yellow: Beastiality(have to be in mood)
Greens: all else including watersports
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human