Raema Mebrilmathien

Race: Moon Elf
Age: Mid 100s
Gender: Female
Occupation: Hedgemage and Researcher

There are stereotypical elves, graceful and composed possessing an unnatural beauty. Raema is not one of those elves. Raema's raven black hair was wild and unkempt, a tangly mess that fell over her face like a dirty mop over her dark bagged eyes. Her body was hidden under layers of robe, books, scrolls and arcane baubles hanging off of her. If somehow you did see her naked, you'd find her form nothing to be particularly impressed by, her tinted skin a shade paler than what would be considered healthy and her bad posture did little favours for her assets.
She lacked social graces as well, stuttering and mumbling through every conversation with a reserved nervous energy. Even outside of conversation she resembled a frightened rabbit, ready to flee the situation at a moment's notice.

Update: While her demeanour was still skittish and fretful, Raema's gone through a rather dramatic physical makeover.  Her hair now a dark red and her skin now a more healthy looking shade. What's more while her clothing and posture typically hides it her body has become more "volumptuous".

Send tell for Greens/Yellows

Toilet Play
Excessive Violence
Bad Smells/Filth
Perma Bad End Stuff
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf