Shanneth Rosinante

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"Apparently, someone is in dire need of a good hoofing" she proclaimed piquedly, peering back at the pretentious pilferer preoccupied with peeking presumptuously into a partially prised-open pannier perched precariously on her prettily poised posterior
"shall we begin ?"

Her hooves are polished to perfection and shod in gleaming sharpened mithril horse shoes, her long hair is much darker than her coat and tail with everything brushed to a rich glossy sheen

Mostly she dresses herself in what's easiest to put on or take off and looks nice to her, short wrap dresses and buttoned tops usually, but when she trots out for battle, a large spear is either in her hand or strapped to the back of brightly lacquered purple and blued plate beside a longbow and a full quiver of arrows.  A sharp dagger and a heavy pistol sit at her waist with icons to Lurue  around her neck and painted on her brightly gleaming armour.

She isn't a draft horse, more like a sleek arabian or quarterhorse but the steady determination in her big brown eyes makes her seem much larger than she really is.

Underneath her belly sits a dark sheath with a long, hard shaft stretching up almost between her front legs. the flat head flared wide as it bounces stiffly up and down a bit with every step.
It's not hers.  

If you look closer you'll see that it's tucked into the girth straps on her saddlebags to keep the permanently petrified ponderously priapic purple phallus propped out of the way until she needs to use it to scratch someplace her hands can't reach, or to beat someone with.  
There's no telling who or what it originally belonged to but it does have a pretty ribbon tied around the back just in front of the tightly packed large leather pouch at the bottom she uses to keep little odds and ends in.


She obviously doesn't care much for anyone or anything that doesn't ask first and she could always use a shorter scratcher to make reaching some places easier.

Be nice and she probably will be too, but sometimes she just can't say no, especially when she's coming into season or still excited from winning a good fight.

There's a pretty good chance most things will fit, she's a horse after all, just use only prudently precise permitted passionate probings preferably performed by properly proportioned powerful pudendal pokers.
She's partial to Palaminos and Percherons.

She does have an unconscious addiction to accidental alliteration, being particularly prone to pouring out profuse, potentially profane, precocious phrases plentifully packed with the letter 'P', possibly.

Mostly /tell friendly, I love a good chat, but not usually for setting up encounters, that's why her location isn't hidden.

She also prefers stallions or geldings that can still make it work, humanoids aren't repulsive to her, two legs are almost as good as four, they just tip over easier and don't press on her back nearly as much.
She's not used to women not being women, but after all life is for learning.

Player:The middle aged brown mare
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Uknown