
Portrait Save
    A young human, though their gender is not easily determined, either a somewhat masculine woman, or a feminine man; either way they'd be considered pretty by most. Even their voice is on the neutral spectrum, making it difficult to guess.
    Their body is slender, athletic, with wide shoulders, narrow waist, and subtly curved hips. Their butt is round and firm with long, shapely legs.
    They keep their dark hair at a shorter length, usually a wild, wind-blown mess, framing a heart shaped face. Their eyes a dull steel-blue color, and hard to read.
    Any length of time observing or interacting with Terry, they don't seem to show any particular interest in one gender or another, and never intentionally flirts with anyone.
    Those with decent observation skill may take note of a lack of bulge in Terry's pants, and the subtlest hint of small breasts beneath their shirt.
    Any with incredible senses, will easily determine Terry is entirely female, beneath their clothing.
    Preferring to present themself as slightly more masculine most times, Terry will dress more feminine when the mood strikes them.

Character is gender fluid, but will never have an actual cock.

Being asexual, as in not interested in sexual relations, they will not consent to acts of sex.

Players strict reds are: nothing against server rules, feces or vomit in SRP, anything potentially permanent without OOC consent, First and second person emotes, OOC possessiveness.

Everything else depends on RP. Themes of force are encouraged.
Player:Zero Energy
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human