
Portrait Save
Name: Astrid Hoarfang
Race: Wolf
Sex: Female
Age: Appears early thirties
Height: 6' 1" (roughly 1.85m)
Build: Athletic, Toned
Eyes: Pale Blue
Orientation: Straight
Voice: Deeper, slightly rough (Think Valkyrie of For Honor)


~ Physicality ~

Born and raised within a culture of warriors and conquerors, Astrid grew to fit the role of warlord, boasting a powerful frame that still retains its femininity. Strong, bestial legs support a trim, toned core, and those arms effortlessly move the heavy weapons she favors. Still, the hefty coat of snow white fur girding the whole of Astrid's body does very well to smooth out, and in many places hide her musculature, giving the wolf a somewhat soft outward presentation. This is particularly prominent on her limbs and about the shoulders and neck, while her torso and waist are considerably less fluffy and notably more defined for it.

Eyes as bright and as clear as a cloudless winter morning eke out their place within the sea of white, their stare just as cold as their color nearly always. Hers is a voluminous mane of fine silver, much of which is kept tightly braided to spare her its full length. The remainder cascades down the nape of her neck, a little past shoulder length, its lie wavy and heavy. When fully loose, it hands down as far as the middle of her back.

Where her fur is at its thinnest, hers is a mild, rosy pink flesh tone most easily seen on the peaks of her breasts, the cleft of her sex, and the inners of her ears. Her nose, lips, and both hand and paw pads are all a muted black in color, however, contrasting quite starkly with her fur. A great big, fluffy tail juts out from the base of her spine, an extension of it, and betrays her moods at seemingly every opportunity.


~ Candor ~

Astrid's outward demeanor most often presents as somewhat aloof. While not exactly callous, she has a certain distant quality to her character that makes her seem a touch unfriendly at first glance. Beneath the exterior, however, lies a warm personality that makes itself known in the company of familiar faces and friends. She is very much an open book with those she doesn't feel bothered by.

To those closest to her, Astrid is as friendly as she is strong - not quite boisterous, but certainly very jolly in the right setting and quick to make jokes. Likewise, people Astrid feels comfortable with will find her to be rather handsy. This is less a matter of forward touching and more an utter lack of any concept of personal space. Expect a lit of back patting and shoulder rubbing, maybe a little punching here and there, too.


~ NSFW Details~

Sexually, Astrid is very casual, comfortable and confident and will show her sexuality accordingly. She sees no moral issue in either sex or nudity and will never be shocked or bothered to see either no matter where she happens to be - nor will she be ashamed to indulge in either. She's submissive-leaning, but is not a pushover, often enjoying a bit of give and take between partners. In a general sense, so long as you respect her boundaries and meet her standards, you will find her very amicable and open.

Green lights - Generally Accepted:
Casual Partners, Friends with Benefits, Informality, Exhibitionism, D/s play, Rough Sex, Switch Partners (She is a switch herself), Bondage (Light/Medium), Friendly Competition, Pet Play, Size Difference (Larger Partners), Messy Finishes, Cum Inflation (Light/Medium), Multiple Partners, Beast Races (especially Canine, Reptilian, and Equine), Exotic Races, Knots/Tying, Animals/Ferals, Tentacles, and many more

Yellow lights - Hard Maybe/Situational:
Watersports, Excessive Size Difference (Significantly Larger Partners), Size Difference (Smaller Partners), Romance

Red Lights - There's Almost No Way:
Anything that violates server rules, Underaged or Childish Characters, Scat, Extreme Size Difference, Clingy People/Characters (OOC and IC respectively), Shallow Characters, Excessive Gore, Vore, and anything else as subject to the situation.
Player:Double Dogma
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human