Karizesh Al'Khanmet

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Name:      Kariszhoshtep Al'khanmet
Weight:     234 lbs.
Skin:         Dark, Dusky
Hair:          Black
Eyes:        Luminant Gold
Age:          Late 20's - Early 30's
Race:        Human [Aasimar]
Ethnicity:   Mulhorandi, of Turmish Descent

Orientation:        Homosexual
Position:        Can be as submissive as he can be dominant. Dependent on mood and partner!

-<= Priest of the House Osriant. =>-

Tombkeeper. Warden. Judge.

Faithful to the Mulhorandi judge, Osiris, Karizesh has pledged himself to the safe passage of death, and the sanctity of a tomb thereafter, ensuring that valuables be kept safe from prying hands, lest they incur the Royal Mummy's order. As an Osirant, he is opposed to the clergy of Set and Sebek. He serves Osiris, and his sister-diety, Nephthys. The Mother of Cats comes at a close third, when it comes to his adherence and practice. Even a stoic, uptight man like himself ought to unwind with earthly comforts.

Karizesh is a muscular man of above average height with a placid, stoney gaze and smooth deep skin which brightens the glittering jewelry he wears on his ears. His facial features are sharp, with a flat-ridged and angular nose above a set of prominent lips. His thick eyebrows beset him with a sense of masculinity. His radiant eyes are adorned in a smear of black kohl below the waterline, traditional, embellishing makeup.

Immediately recognizable is a pair of large, ebon feathered wings, whose pinion-tips drag across the floor as if a massive cloak. As a result, the lowermost feathers are peppered in visible dust and sand. A feature of his divine birth, however they seem too large and unwieldy to provide consistent flight, almost vestigial.

He wears fitted leathers and a thick, hard collar around his neck, embellished with a Mulhorandi usekh from which hangs the symbol of a hook and flail. Every one of his finger is clad in golden rings and onyx jewelry.

The large man smells distinctly of incense and old parchment, perfumed by earthen scents typically found in places of worship. His voice is deep and heavily accented with the features of his home.

-[Green Lights]-

- Men
- Vanilla to Rough
- Teasing / Handplay through clothing
- Risky / Under-table, almost-public
- Heavy petting
- + Much more, ask if unsure!

-[RED Lights]-

- Women
- Toilet Play
- Underage
- Non-Con

                                  -[ = ] = [ = ]= [ = ]-
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human