Vykar Kouya

Portrait Save
Physical Traits
Many things the creature could be accused of, but being a great beauty was not one of them. A thick, heavily-coiffured mane and an oversized pair of spectacles hid most of his face but little could be done to hide a strong contender for Sinfar's most severe case of resting bitch face with several fangs poking over across his lower lips. An aromatic scent of sandalwood, bergamot and other oriental smells from the southern reaches of Faerun followed in his steps. The hum of negative energy could be discerned by the sensitive, but the creature nonetheless looked remarkably fresh and alive.

Its eyes seem to shine with a dull, faint sheen all of their own centred from the carnelian iris within their centres; his gaze typically distant and seemingly never quite fully focused on the subject of his attention. Staring through, rather than at it.

Fine, carefully tailored suits and breeches accommodate his angular build and tail well, never anything short of immaculately groomed. For his feral appearance the creatures speech often came after a brief and considered pause; the clipped, precise Belgravian received pronunciation standing in contrast to its monstrous appearance.

It doesn't seem to wear any consistent trinkets or symbols of allegiance; save for a thick silver collar around his neck; three exquisitely cut ruby-like stones glimmering in it.

On the rare occasion it might be sighted less than fully clothed; the eagle-eyed might note odd patterns along his fur. Some patches shone with natural glossy hues, whereas others felt more synthetic and didn't quite match the rest of his hide in colour. Close, but not exact. Similarly, there seems to be well-tailored and discreet stitches along the seams of these patches. Almost like a rag doll that had seen multiple repairs.

Discernibles and habits
If for some reason your character can detect it, feel free to use it or let me know if I should be reacting to something. Ask away if anything is missing.

Name: "Vykar"
Eyes: Red, narrowed slits.
Mane: Dark grey
Scent: Tobacco, Sandalwood.
Body: Lithe, Otter-like, toned.
Fur: Dark chocolate and mocha brown. Flecks of grey.
Species: Banelich
Alignment: Strongly Lawful, moderately evil.
Class: Favoured Soul

=True to many undead, the creature is disturbed by high concentrations of positive and holy energy and will likely be unsettled by the presence of Faith Symbols belonging to the devout and similar artefacts. The player however might need to be alerted they are there!

=The creature imitates life reasonably well, breathing, showing emotions, some warmth to his flesh but seems to occasionally slip up. He doesn't seem to react right away to the temperature or to touch, as if not quite as sensitive to either. When focusing sometimes he doesn't blink for several minutes, or in the most stressful situations his mouth doesn't move and yet his voice can still be heard. It's probably why his voice lacks the usual yowling of beast men

=The "rubies" on his collar appear to be somewhat charged soul gems; some brighter than others. They're likely some sort of power source.

=Being made of quite real and fresh fleshy parts, true seeing wouldn't show a skeletal form. It wouldn't hide the aura or taint of undeath at all; showing perhaps such things as empty eye sockets and other such twisted shapes.

=The creature's stream/tie to the negative energy plane seems faint compared to some greater undead, but since arriving in Sinfar has become steadily stronger. It's likely he only took the second breath within the past century.




Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human