
Portrait Save
Name: Alyx
Race: Sun Elf
Gender: Female
Age: 130
Height: 4' 8"
Eye Color: Sky Blue
Hair: Snow White with green highlights
Build: Lithe with tight muscles
Scent: Fresh rain

Profession: Paladin
Alignment: Lawful Good
Disposition: Naïve and Innocent

Decorating her right arm, chest, pelvis, and down her left leg would be intricate marking of the elven pantheon. Every god and goddess is represented among the  white, light blue, and green ink that scrawled across her delicate pale flesh.

No other markings at this point.


None at this time.


None at this time.

Basic description:
On any normal day one would be able to find the lithe elven figure within her well taken care of mithril armour. Despite it all she seemed to keep it in mint condition clearly cleaned, polished, and taken care of with extreme effort on a daily routine. Upon her back was a pulsing blue shield, it was clearly magical in nature providing her with protection from most blows and even some magical spells. Crossing her back are a set of spears that appeared to be her favoured weapon, they much like the armour and shield are in peak condition. Cleaned, sharpened, and ready for any battle  that might come her way.

#General Appearance#
Before you stood a short elven figure that stood with a practice posture, shoulders back with her chin up, she looked confident and when combined with her smile she looked kind. Long white hair cascaded in a large ponytail down her back with only the slightest colour clearly dyed into the bangs and braid of her hair. Faded in some spots it is clear it is not magically done but kept up with colour personally by the diligent looking women.

By her appearance she was clearly some kind of 'Holy Warrior' or 'Paladin' of good and anyone with a sense for such would pick up on her goodly and well meaning Aura. Despite that however she seemed genuine and kind, eager to assist those in need and defend those in danger despite the danger to herself. Uncorrupted and unstained by the cruel intentions of the world she emerges with a pleasant smile keen to leave the places she visits better than she found them.


None at this time.

OOC Section

Reds: Bathroom activities, Anything detailed within the server rules, people who ignore roleplay because it does not go a certain way, Gore/Vore/Non-sexual Torture/blood.

The player is tell friends, flexible, and willing to try most things.

Anti-paladins/Drow welcome, but be aware she is combat capable and unafraid to pose herself as her last line of defense.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf