

  A large direwolf with rich dark fur, the creature stood nearly five foot at its shoulder and looked to weigh near 250lbs. Usually he was seen in the company of an orc female seeming to be one of her animal companions the large wolf was intelligent enough and likely understood what most people said. His eyes were heterochromic one being a brilliant azure the other honey like that of his orc companion.

[Naughty Details]

  He was rather eager to partake in desires of the flesh sporting a rather large knotted cock the bright red slant tipped cock usually stuck out some presenting around scarcely clothed people. dribbling some precum from its tip. He was encouraged by his companion as well the orc seeming to enjoy the beastly attentions he lavished on others.

[Out of Character]
  If you wish to speak to me Viscous Bliss is the main account direct any tells or questions there. thanks!
Player:Biscous Vliss
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Gnome