Greisyn Andhal

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"I am broken to his hand, bound and loyal like an animal. He leaves me wanting simmering in my own juices needing more of him, eager for him to take the last bite of me" - Unknown Lover on Lord Andhal

        Facial Features, and Voice
  Born of Nobility, Greisyn tended to be well kept though as of late was a bit rougher around the edges. His ebon black hair while groomed had some unkempt growth that was held back by a simple leather thong. A handsome man, he did show his age. A few silvered hairs peaking through his beard put him in his late forties. A prominent brow framing his saffron colored eyes gave him a commanding look. While his eyes looked hardened and world weary, it was likely from some traumatic events. Perhaps having to do with a few ragged scars upon his left cheek. Otherwise his skin had seen some pampering but such was years ago. While he did smile it was restrained behind his stern, hardened expression.

        Frame, Scent, and Attire
  While he was quite tall he did not seem to be overtly muscled, He was shapely and toned. Telling from his garments they were once fresh finery though looked slightly thread worn and road tarnished. a brocaded jacket and a once fine linen shirt decorated by a bound ascot. His breeches were soft pliable leather ash in color held in place by a study black leather clasped belt. While his high boots were ornate but well worn at one point riding worthy attire. He did seem to care for the clothing despite, attempting to keep up the appearance at least of a noble where he could it seemed most likely he was down on his luck.
  Being reasonably clean there was still a manly scent about his body, an intoxicating earthy musk that permeated about his erogenous areas. His clothing had a smell of leather and cedar his garb having been kept together in a chest of such design, It also smelled faintly of pine. While the scent of sandalwood lightly brushed his neck and beard, it was applied seemingly as he freshened the shape of his beard.  

        Disrobed Physical Form

  His flesh had once perhaps been pampered replaced by a light sun baked tan, a slightly dusky demask hue to it. There was a few scars perhaps a few years old, two finger long on his back right side. Another to his front left lower abdomen both seeming to be an attempt on his life roughly the same in age to the scars on his face. His chiseled muscles clung tightly to him toned and rippled under his flesh as he moved there was a grace and health to him he moved like a lion rather than a man. His hands were callused having lost most of his suppleness to the flesh in recent years.
  He had washboard abs and muscled powerful thighs between which rested a large thick member its girth pierced erotically enhancing the pleasure of his lovers. The cock-flesh rippled with lust when erect drooling a thick syrup of pre-seed. His genitals were hairless kept such by means of shaving or waxing leaving his weighted scrotum bare obviously laden with copious potent seed.

        Out of Character Info

  I am open to private tells and i consider them to always be out of character.

I will never break a server rule while playing here. That being said If you have any questions do ask them.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human