
Yasemine is a woman of oriental descent. Oddly enough, she has untypical blue eyes and purple hair for tanned humans. She wears little to no make up but some nail polish and lip balm. A balanced dancer's shape and grace in her movements can be appealing to the eye.

This dream of a genie often has a melodic or friendly vibe in her voice in company of a smile. Whenever she speaks, there's quite some gesticulation too. The overall body language looks somewhere between kind, friendly or playfull.

Alot of things from vanilla over naughty things to some BDSM. Tendency to sub but can be switch too. Men are great but I can have fun with women too, sometimes. Genders between are less likely for erotic scenes but I may consider a friendly offer.

Can be willing to go with unusual and extreme things, as long as it has a constructive and/or funny side to enjoy. I am not always in the mood for goofy stuff. In doubts, just ask. I just bite as hard as you ask me to, only.

While the massive topic of BDSM offers a vast playground, I don't like all extremes. Generally excessive subgenre like exclusive painplay don't interest me. No stuff that belongs into the toilete, blood and gore. Is your rampant idea destructive? Then it's most likely red. Is it of neutral to positive nature? Then there are chances.

Notes of interest:
Keep in mind that I don't play frequently anymore. I cannot dwell in roleplay of long term relationship and romance without disappointing you. I am not only here for the kinky play. Casual interests, PvE and other stuff can entertain me greatly too.

This charakter is designated for a support role to provide a few buffs, healing and a few other things. Soloing stuff can be boring and slow. Together it can be much more enjoyable. Don't be shy. I'm usually willing to help, hunt and play.

My interest in PvP is very limited. I might be willing to go along with an invitation for a duel, but I have no desire in people who do nothing else than arena duels and so called player kills. Capture the flag and other group related games can be fun to me.

In that case, I usually stick to a limited inventory, if I use it at all. You know, hurling 10,000 scrolls of mass healing and such things isn't skill. It just stretches a game into unnecessary length, until you lose mood to play.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human