Gorag Krager

An aging half-orc ex-mercenary.

Gorag is more intelligent than the average half-orc, even more intelligent than the average human in many cases and because of this, he often wears a frown as he can rather easily understand the pitfalls of his mixed race, his choices, and his place in society.

While he considers himself to be an ex-mercenary, and while he is clearly in his middle to later middle years, to underestimate him would still be rather foolish.

Appearance-wise, there is no hiding his mixed heritage. He perhaps slightly favors his human half at first glance, but, there's still no denying his orcish half.

In the city, he will often address himself by his last name, as he feels that it sounds "more human" than his first name.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Half-Orc