Jacilinth Hilargi

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Jackie stood bravely on creation's edge
Naked before the gods and the world
She gazed directly into the silent Abyss
The Abyss gazed silently back at her...
Then said "Nice tits !!"

She's not the sharpest knife in the drawer, She usually can't get the drawer open.
That's likely for the best anyway
She'd probably only cut herself

With her ditziness matched only by her clumsiness, she's sallied forth to figure out
"Who's Sally and why can't she be first ?"

She's not too short and not too tall
But she is very, very blonde

She always wanted to be a healer and her first chance came when the boy down the street dropped his pants and asked if she could 'make the swelling go down'
She's gotten pretty good at it since.

"You got bitten by a trouser snake ?  That's the fourth one this week !!
There must be a whole nest of them
I'll have to suck the poison out, hold still."

She's very gullible but easily disgusted and there are some things even she can't be talked into, we all know what they are

She wears a small amulet of two eyes surrounded by seven stars and carries a silver axe with a crescent shaped blade
She's also been known to moon unbelievers.

Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf