Luca Aharon

Luca Aharon

You see a short woman, a little over 5 feet tall, with firey-red hair, pale blue eyes and a slim figure.  She appears to be a young human.

A closer look and you'd guess she has some elven blood in her.  She looks 18 but is actually in her late 20's.  Her ears are slightly pointed, her waist is very tiny, and the hairs on her body are naturally so fine as to be almost invisible.  

She is friendly, usually cheerful, and always willing to help anyone in need.  A trait which has gotten her in trouble either by taking on problems that weren't hers or by being beguiled by those with dishonest intentions.

As a priestess and champion of Lathander, she should know better...



Reds:  The usual gross stuff, bathroom play, perma-anything.  Oh, and members sized for a horse if you actually expect to use it.

Yellows: slavory.  She can be captured, but must have a way to escape.  People come and go, my own schedual may require myself to be away an extended time.  It's not fair to you or me to lock a toon for a single person.

Oh, one more yellow-red:  Intamacy w/o any rp.  Not here for wam-bam-ty-maam...  there must be rp, it's why I'm here.  Luca doesn't have to "enjoy" for me to, if the rp is good.  RP is acting, let me bring her to life for you and I'm usually very happy.

Greens:    RP!
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Half-Elf