
Portrait Save
This monstrosity is a towering mountain of sinewy muscle, trundling across the terrain with a somewhat bobbing, hunched, and forward-inclined gait like he's about to ram something at any moment. A pair of dirty, cloven hooves carry the prodigious weight, extending from titanic legs upon which a monstrously herculean, crooked torso is propped. To the sides, this gargantuan barrel sprouts a span of humongous arms, wide as timber logs and likely just as solid, tipped by large, grabby hands brandishing three stumpy fingers each protected by short claws at the ends. At the forefront of this entire arrangement resides a clearly porcine head, the hunched stance of the creature making it seem like the cranium is poking out of its chest's middle. That notion is further supported by a rich mane of mangy, matted fur going along his spine that would make even the biggest of gnolls envious. Boney plates and other protrusions cover the top of his already concrete skull. Butting heads with him in the literal sense probably isn't going to work in his interlocutor's favor.

With a signature porcine snout, sharp tusks and unreadable little slits of crimson for eyes, Benk is clearly some sort of a pigdisposed entity. Wereboar, beastman or otherwise, it remains anyone's guess. His hide is tough and marred with memos of countless bouts visible wherever it is not obstructed with the thick, coarse fur, suggesting he is either hunted almost anywhere he goes, or simply enjoys picking fights. Or both. A short, stunty but no less wiggly for it tail whips about idly from its rear origins.

Whenever he opens his maw for any reason, rows of semi-sharp, jagged teeth can be seen surrounding a long, wide and terribly slimy muscle of a tongue. The pigman's voice is deep, throaty and guttural, broken up with an occasional monstrous squeal or grunt in cases of rare longer sentences. His vocabulary and grammar leave a lot to be desired, but despite this Benk doesn't seem completely unwise or naive in the way he acts, just uneducated. That fact could potentially spell quite a bit of trouble as the creature appears completely self-centered and focused on satisfying his immediate urges no matter the cost, with utmost disregard of social norms. Though that is to be expected from a being such as him. The way he handles himself clearly suggests no good will is going to be expressed by him unconditionally.

Benk carries little with himself beyond a ragtag sack full of various belongings crudely roped to either his waist, his arm, thigh or tossed over his broad back. One particular item however would strike a wary beholder as significant:

To a layman, it would be a nasty looking blade, strangely undersized for the monster's bulk, about the size of a greatsword from the perspective of a tall human. Anyone with regular weaponsmithing experience would recognize its considerable quality and that it would be highly unlikely for Benk's kind to create anything coming remotely close, regardless of its fittingly 'evil' design. It was definitely not crafted with the boarman's size in mind as it is obviously an armament meant to be wielded in two hands, which the terrible monstrosity can swing about like a twig using just one. Upon closer inspection, if one was somehow conducted, a symbol of a hand wrapped in chains would catch the eye, engraved into the guard's middle.

To a more knowledgeable craftsman, the matter would be a little more clear. This weapon is a greatsword of the distinct design created for a hell knight. The symbol is likely denoting of a specific hell knight order. It wasn't possible for such a weapon to be gifted to someone like Benk, and it is extremely improbable that he simply found it. He could have stole it from an order's armory, but given that he rather obviously is not of a particularly agile inclination, it is much more likely that he took it from a hell knight's corpse.

To a hell knight, this would be a dire insult. This is a greatsword that once belonged to a member of Order of the Chain, and still belongs to that very order's armory if its original wielder is no longer capable of carrying out their duties. The sole notion of this despicable beast stealing the weapon and carrying it around like a toothpick would be outrageous, and given Benk's disposition, an even more infuriating probability would make itself apparent - that the mangy scourge dared to kill a fellow hell knight and loot the weapon off their corpse. Should the observing hell knight belong to the Order of the Chain, this would be grounds for straight up assault. Not only is it clear that the hairy porkchop is a diehard lawbreaker and a chaotic troublemaker, which automatically earns him the Order's eternal ire, but he must have already been beset by a fellow member of the order at least once and bested them in single combat with lethal result. There is no way a hell knight would part with their weapon without dying trying to not let that parting happen. And not only did this snout-faced barrel of filth murder a fellow chapter member, he went out of his way to spit in the order's face by daring to take and keep their weapon, using it as an everyday tool for demeaning tasks such as tooth picking, back scratching or skewering and apparently also as an implement of combat in the many fights he gets to, serving to spread more chaos with it. Clearly he has to be smitten with all due prejudice.

//OOC notes:

I don't really wanna put up lights, I'll at the very least attempt to have everything handled IC. If it doesn't work tell me, or I'll tell you. The character ain't exactly a saint so I won't throw a fit if something happens to him. I'm not really the type to throw fits over roleplay anyway.

Tell friendly, open to setups unless Benk's already otherwise engaged.

Theme song:
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Uknown