Cliodhna 'Klee' Trahaearn

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Headless Horsewoman (Yes it's on purpose. It's not a problem with your hak)

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Gender/Sex: Female
Race: Fey, Dullahan
Height: 6' (6'2" in Armor)
Hair: Stark inky black
Eyes: Pupil-less pools of glacial blue. That glow softly with an inner light.

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A dark and stormy knight.

Clad in clinking dark plate, the cold stark figure of a knight stalks with padding footsteps through both mud and the cold with a seemingly tireless trudge.

Headless body, like out of storied fairytale or waking nightmare, still moving with an unnatural celerity and strength. It's empty neck hollow, deep in the armor's gorget, a depth less void filled with soft licking cold blue flames.

More rare, a pale face seated on top of those broad shoulders. Fair, handsome even with a soft rugged charm with soft scars and certainly a fair measure of supernatural feminine wile. Though the way it sits looks a bit odd, as if the pale woman's neck isn't thoroughly connected to her body.

When she does speak, she tends to stay low and quiet mostly except when excited. Saving her words for the most part but drawn to breaking the decorum of her knighthood over jokes and fancy on occasion. That voice a little rough around the edges with a mature depth but with a tonal clarity leaning definitely wantonly feminine. Rolling lightly from her tongue with the soft touches of a light brogue.

Though her body is cold to the touch the Dullahan herself is filled with the light of vigor. A creature of the fey, she is not of the undead as might first be feared. Though the distinction is quite narrow and meaningless to some,  her soft pale flesh and toned physique rather cool and corspe-esque in the end...  but such is the nature of the court of night. Not every fey can be a pretty dust-poofing pixie. Some are built cold and harder.

Cast out from Winter, becoming a mercenary, or a traveler.. she never seems to settle down for long, always plodding about like she's lost her way.

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Stoic and subtle.. but burning domination lies in the heart of this somber knight. Though some of proper worth, may yet melt that glacial determination.

Inspiring Roleplay. Slow Burns with Heavy Passion. Hot Flashes of Senselessness. Chivalry Held and Chivalry Broken. Themes of Bondage. Themes of Humiliation. Worship and Reverence. Affection through Subjugation. Pain, not for the Sake of Pain but to Accent Pleasure. Forcing Pleasure. Finding Those to be of Service to and.. Take Service From.

Reds: Reds: Heavy Non-con. Scat. Heavy torture/gore.
Player:Pleasant Point
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human