Bron a'Gheamhraidh

Portrait Save
Harsh climates, famine, war, rape, madness...all these things having taken their toll on my people.  The Fomori decimating at every turn ever since the Roman invasion.  The pit, the spiral, the dance...these were the fate of my ancestors, all lost to the Wyrm after the rest of the Garou Nation failed to answer the call.  These are the burdens and sorrows I bare from my visions.  I do not know why or how I came to be given the predicament of my ancestors, but I feel Lion's call.  I know that the blood of my ancestors runs true in my veins, untainted.  I only hope I can ease the pains of our fallen kin so that they might at last find rest in Gaia's embrace.  

With the ties to Caledonia all but severed, and many many blizzards weathered in the solitude between the travels of different tribes, different cultures, the dancers seemingly always at my back; I had no recourse but to find a way to disappear from my beloved lands.  Ironically, the help found was from an unlikely source...a mage wanting to preserve our tribe.  However he, seeing the realms of man unfit for our noble cause and duty, sent me through a portal.  While not unlike the one my kin travelled, however, there was no spiral here. Just the desolate lands of a place I came to know as Icenfar...

City Running:
Garou with this Gift find that moving vertically is just as easy as moving horizontally; whether they are walking along a sidewalk, climbing stairs, or scaling the side of a building, their pace doesn't change in the slightest, nor do they tire out more rapidly.  This Gift doesn't make it any easier or less dangerous to climb in precarious circumstance  a ten-story fall is still a ten-story fall, and a sheer surface remains sheer but, the Gift does make sure that the character can climb as quickly as he walks.

Spirit Speech:
This Gift allows the Garou to communicate with encountered spirits.
The Garou is thus able to address them whether they wish to be addressed or not.  Of course, nothing (usually) prevents the spirit from ignoring the Theurge or leaving.  Any spirit can teach this Gift.

Death Sight:
The werewolf's eyes become cloudy and pale as she attunes her vision to the ashen landscape of the Underworld.  An owl-spirit teaches this Gift.

Howl of the Banshee:
The werewolf emits a fearful howl that causes those who hear it to run in terror.  A Banshee -  a mournful spirit of the dead - teaches this Gift.

Speech of the World:
This Gift allows Gaia's warriors to read and wield the spirit of speech, bypassing the need to learn different languages and dialects.  The Garou may speak and understand any human language she encounters, though she speaks with an obvious accent, marking her as an outsider.  Speech of the World doesn't convey literacy, nor is it an encyclopedia of cultural information.  An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.

Feral Appearance:
Whether you're more hirsute than the average person or have a lean, hungry look to your features, the werewolves like what they see.  It isn't a matter of physical beauty; there's just something about you that stirs their animal natures.  You get an extra die on all rolls involving Appearance when dealing with homid Garou, and you are considered to have an extra dot of Charisma among lupus Garou.

Acute Senses:
You have exceptionally sharp hearing, smell, vision or taste.  The difficulties of all dice rolls that relate to the sense in question (e.g., Perception + Awareness to hear a faint noise, taste poison in food or see an oncoming attacker) are decreased by two.

You feel the rage burning inside you, and you know how to use and direct it against your enemies.  You have the ability to frenzy at will and, thus, are able to ignore your wound penalties.
However, any acts you commit during frenzy have consequences, just as they would otherwise. Also, you have the same chance of going into frenzy even when you don't wish to do so.

Poison Resistance:
You have, for some reason or another, become resistant to poisons.  It could be that you are somehow naturally resistant, or that you have spent years building up your resistance against all known types of poisons.  Any time you need to make a soak roll against the effects of a poison or toxin, reduce your difficulty by three.

You experience horrendous nightmares every time you sleep, and memories of them haunt you during your waking hours.  Sometimes the nightmares are so bad they cause you to lose one die on all your actions for the next night (Storyteller's discretion).  Some of the nightmares may be so intense that you mistake them for reality.  A crafty Storyteller will be quick to take advantage of this.

Severe Phobia:
You have an overpowering fear of something.  Common objects of fear include certain animals, insects, crowds, open spaces, confined spaces, heights and so on.  You must make a Willpower roll not to freak out when faced with the object of your fear.  The difficulty depends on the circumstances.  If you fail the roll, you must retreat in terror from the object of fear.  If you score less than three successes, you will not approach it.  The Storyteller has final say over which phobias are allowed in a chronicle.

Twisted Upbringing:
The pack that nabbed you and took you away for your Rite of Passage taught you all the wrong things about Garou society.  Everything you believe about how Garou interact is wrong, and your faulty beliefs are likely to get you into a great deal of trouble.  Over time, after many hard lessons, you can overcome this bad start (the Storyteller will tell you when).  But until then, you continue to believe what you first heard, no matter how others try to trick you into thinking otherwise.

RP! I love a good adventure good plot and story development.
Things that should not be, mostly go with the flow but if I am uncomfortable with something I'll send a DM.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human