Maelyrra Vadi

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Short Profile:
Name: Maelyrra Vadi
Race: Appears to be human
Age: Appears to be mid to late 20's
Height: 5'4"
Weight: When normal, 135LB. Otherwise, varies.
Build: Slightly thin but physically kept well
Hair: Platinum blonde, appears natural. Kept in a ponytail
Eyes: a dark blue, almost black. Feels unnatural somehow...
Skin: Constantly looks like she's healing in various places, strange...

Longer Profile:
For those whom do not know her or why she is living in the streets of whatever city she is currently stalking the shadows in, Maelyrra may appear to be a simple, normal-but-malnourished human girl who is very much down on her luck. She has no real clothes to her name at first glance with a simple brown hooded robe that looks patch-worked and maybe was not originally brown. The patches of this cloak seem to be of various ages, some old and fraying off by the seems while other holes and covers seem just freshly sown together what whatever she could muster.

The callouses on her exposed feet and hands show her body naturally adapting to the rough stone and wood of the outside elements. This survivalist instinct is paired with the rare glimpses of her slender frame with not much curve to her name. Yet despite her homeless nature she still seems to survive enough to have a physically fit figure under the robes that is only seen when she moves to indent the fabric; the telltale signs of slight muscular growth on exposed arms showing her knack for embracing the roofless world.

The stains of the streets occasionally mar whatever little exposed skin she does show in that drab cloth and her lack of shoes show the roughness of the life she is used to. This isn't some woman who is used to the streets; she was raised by the streets. The shadows of the dark night and the dirt of the forgotten alleyways cling to her body like a magnet, home upon a person who has lived in its abandonment for quite some time.

Her eyes reflect the world in unnatural blackish blue irises, the faintest glow seen from within as if something was there that wasn't supposed to be. They stare at the world indifferent, expression a woman who is no virgin to pain and suffering. It is easy to tell that she has seen and experienced horrible things upon first study and that weariness is marked on her face in a permanent stoic look. Whatever hope was left in these eyes had long moved elsewhere. The only thing left was survival.

Her voice is quiet, low, and harsh; a guttural tone that is lacking in charm or socially acceptable teachings. This isn't the voice of someone who spent their childhood in school learning how to speak her A B C's but a voice of someone who learned how to talk by observations without a guiding hand. She is no movie star or singer, that voice only used to make sure she lives another day. There is no beauty or womanly charm to the words she speaks, usually speaking in as simple and direct connotations as possible to get her point across. It is clear when speaking with her that she does not like to talk nor likes company as much as the person over.

Still, there was something else strange to this woman on first sight. Whatever exposed skin and the face under the hood always seems to peel back the shadows with the faintest sparkle of light, as if it was reflecting something shiny. On occasion, the smallest glimpse of what looks like a crystal or gem mars her face, but it might not be present the next day or there might be multiple of these strange formations.


[*] Role-play. I try to stay in character as much as I possibly can, however as a player I have my limits that change on a day-to-day basis.

[*] ALWAYS PM ME AND ASK before approaching my character with the intent of any sort of ERP or beyond the normal approach aside from the smallest of things like a touch or a brush that one might do for intentions. Failure to do this will result in me either ignoring you or confronting you out of character, which none of us surely wants to have a problem, right?

[*] If I ask you to stop, you stop or shift what is happening, especially if you didn't ask me beforehand.

[*] ERP is optional for me, please respect this.

[*] Role-play is my central focus here. I am not here just to bone.

[*] I am not okay with the removal of the central focus of my character. Do not try to god-fix my character?s dilemma. It is there because I want to role-play it.

Last Note:

I have a lot of real-life medical disabilities, including some memory and mental ones. Please, and I beg of this, please be patient with me. If I forget something or I typo too much due to a hand problem I have, kindly just ask me to re-emote or remind me in a pm what I missed.

I am free to pm for ooc discussions, just remember what is said under my lights.

Above all else, I hope to have fun role-playing with you :)
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human