Eragiin Zauviir

Name: Eragiin Zauviir
Race: Drow
Gender: Male
Sex: Male
Height: 5'0"
Weight: 94lbs
Hair: Stark White
Skin: Ashen
Eyes: Red
Build: Scrawny
Notables: None

Grace surrounded Eragiin.  His hands smooth and unmarred, his touch perfectly soft and careful, as he went about flipping through the pages of the small book that so rarely seemed to leave his side. More often than not, it resided within his sash. A delicate little thing, not much larger than the flat of ones hand. A black leather bound around it's form, with dark golden inlays decorating it carefully. It could hardly hold more than a hundred pages, but a look within, would reveal line upon line of archaic drowish symbols.

His handling of such a prized possession spoke more of his careful and clearly practiced softness. His eyes, even as they were red and very well befitting any drow, were careful not to intimidate. Observing, deducting, learned, certainly. But not one to lash out so easily it would appear.

His frame was slender and soft, even carrying a slight bit of curve and figure. His step, soft and quiet, though not with a slight sway of his frame. Not that it seemed deliberate of practiced, more that such came natural to him. His features were smooth, if angular thanks to his heritage.  His hair long and flowing, though often wound up in a pony tail or otherwise restricted.

Character Lights:

I'll.. get around to these when it becomes relevant...

Player lights:
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human