Razvan Nicolescu

Portrait Save
Apparent age: ?
Height:             ?
Weight:            ?

 A man of ruggedly handsome looks with a countance speaking to a Romanian decent, dresses in finery of reds and blacks trimmed in gold.  His gaze sweeping over the coward one seeming of constant calculation as if trying to interpret each person's next move.

His glowing red eyes seem as if the very blood boils within them, a magic causing them to glow lightly in the dim light.  A playful smile dances upon this man's lips and what devious plans might be building to fruition is anyone's guess.

Character based on World of Darkness

Special Abilities:
 Vicissitude - OOOOO OO - The ability to craft flesh and bone from various sources.
 [1] Malleable Visage: (RP body forms)
 [2] Fleshcraft (RP body forms for self and others(consent only on latter)
 [3] Bone Craft (RP body forms for self and others(consent only on latter)
 [4] Awaken the Zulo Shape (Body forms / Tenser's transformation)
 [5] Inner Mastery (RP backed with enchantment spells)
 [5] Weakened Blood of Acid (Mestil's Sheath)
 [6] Bone Arsenal (RP, weapons made to look like they were made from bone)
 [6] Ecstatic Agony (RP)
 [6] Weakened Breath of the Dragon (Dragon Breath)
 [7] The Weakened Form of the Last Dracul (Dragon Form)

 Auspex - OOOO - grants vampires supernatural senses
 [1] Heightened Senses (clairaudiance/clairvoyance)
 [2] Aura Perception (See Invisibility)
 [3] The Spirit's Touch (RP)
 [4] Telepathy (RP, consent only)

 Animalism - OO - brings the vampire closer to their animalistic nature.
 [1] Feral Speech (speaking with the familiar)
 [2] Beckoning (summoning the familiar)

 Koldunic Sorcery - OOOOO OO - The control over spirits of nature and thus mastery over the elements.
 - Way of the Earth OOOO
       [1] Grasping Soil (Grease)
       [2] Endurance of Stone (Prem)
[3] Hungry Earth (Edvard's)
[4] Root of Vitality (MMM)

 - Way of the Fire OOOO
[1] Fiery Courage (Fire Imm.)
[2] Combust (Combust)
[3] Wall of Magma (Wall of Fire)
[4] Heat Wave (raging tornado)

 - Way of the Wind OOOO
[1] Breath of Whispers (RP, consent for telepathy over long distance)
[2] Biting Gale (Ice Storm)
[3] Breeze of Lethargy (Blizzard)
[4] Ride the Tempest (IC to OOC out of areas)

 - Way of the Spirts OOOOO O - spiritual awareness over 15 mile area.

 - Kraina of the Well OOOO
[1] Call the Children (Summon)
[2] Heed the Hell-bound Heart (RP)
       [3] Aegis Alighieri (Lsr Mind Blank)
       [4] Heave the Host of Hell

 - Kraina of Enoch OO
[1] Shroud of Oblivion (RP/Cloak)
[2] Spectral Cloak (Imp Invis)
 Combined Disciplines:
 (Koldunic Sorcery (Way of the spirits)6, Vicissitude 6) Becoming Kupala (RP)
Merits / Flaws:
Discipline Prodigy - You are especially skilled in the use of one of your clan Disciplines. The difficulty to use any level of this Discipline is reduced by 1, although this Merit can never reduce the difficulty of any roll below 4. Characters may purchase this Merit only once and gain no benefit when using Discipline techniques. Prodigies of Koldunic Sorcery or other forms of blood sorcery reduce the difficulty of all paths and rituals.

Pain Tolerance - Either because of personal proclivity or the rigors of Vicissitude, you have become acclimatized to pain. This affinity enables you to ignore one die of wound penalties. Thus, when you are Hurt or Injured, you suffer no penalties to actions. You suffer only a one-die penalty to action at the Wounded and Mauled states, and even Crippling injuries subtract four dice rather than five. You are still Incapacitated normally.

Infertile Vitae - For some reason you're unable to create new vampires. All those you try to Embrace die. Your vitae is faulty even beyond that of Thin Blood. You may not create any childe no matter what you do. However, unlike the Flaw Thin Blood, you can use your blood just as all other vampires can.

Eyes of the Unholy - Your eyes are inhuman, resembling FX contact lenses or reflecting light off them like an animal. Interaction with mortals carries a +2 penalty to Social rolls.

Incorrigible Flirt - You cannot resist making playful attempts at seducing anyone who fits your criteria for the perfect sexual partner. Although you may not intend to begin a serious relationship (or any relationship) with the object of your desire, you find yourself assuming the role of coquette or seducer, whichever seems more appropriate, whenever you are in the presence of someone who you consider attractive. You may find yourself flirting with more than one person at the same time, a situation that could turn awkward in a heartbeat. You must spend a point of willpower to remain focused on the matter at hand and defer your urges until a more appropriate time.
Player:The Dracul
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human