Zarphel Tyronius

Race: Draconian
Occupation: Reluctant Monk
Height: 6'10"
Weight: 200 Pounds
Gender: Usually Male
Preference: No outward preference
Scales: Well-kempt and Pearly
Eye Color: Topaz
Tail: Roughly four foot, a large indicator of Zarphel's emotion (much to his dismay)
Scent: A pleasant vanilla

"Why am I here? That'ss...a very good line of quesstioning. I am beginning to quesstion that mysself..." From a world's order of monks, the higher ups were beginning to become concerned that Zarphel was threatening to upheave their corrupted running of their operations. As such, they sent Zarphel here to this chaotic realm of existance as almost as sort of joke. "If thiss /iss/ a joke, I am mosst ssertainly not laughing! Thiss plasse iss a haven of debauchery!"

"My clothing iss not enchanted like many of you here but it'ss a ssimple enough garb!" Simple indeed, made of mundane cotton, non-magical thread and continually patched up damage. Though, it did keep the lizard decent. He carried little with him except a meager coin pouch.

"My order wass focussed on grasse and elegansse in our formss. Might wass never a focuss." Zarphel's form was reminiscent to that of a cobra. Slender, flexible and agile, yet not build like a warrior in either muscle of fortitude.

"My order doessn't /require/ a vow of chasstity, and perhapss I-I didn't actually take it myssself, but it'ss no eck'ssactly ssomething I've had a lot of eck'ssperiensse with..." Zarphel is a young adult with certain ideas about what goes where and what does this, sure. That is to say, as a monk, there has not been a plethora of chances to explore any...curiousities that may have arisen from being raised in the setting he did.

" . . . . . . . . " Even with his clothes /on/, Zarphel possessed an exotic figure; One of a dancer. But uncovered, the scales' details, strong legs, expressive and deliciously sensitive tail, and a pristine set of scaled orbs below a genital slit were more than enough to hint at his 'exoticness'. Perhaps, even if one got the draconic man excited enough, they'd get a couple surprises.

The closer one was to the dragon's cock slit, the stronger the smell of vanilla seemed. For those of heightened senses, the source was more noticeable. Of course, should Zarphel be arroused AND his pants were off, the scent and source was all too unmistakable. Of course, it did beg the question: Did the dragon taste the way he smelled?


I would prefer everything to be in Roleplay, of course! That's a given (I would hope). Otherwise, I have quite a few greens; It's just easier to give you what I've discovered I /don't/ like. Rape is fine, whether you want to try to ride Zarphel or mount him. Only reason it's yellow is the fact he'll probably try and fight the act. Otherwise, No Vore, Gore, Toilet-Play, Permanency, Exceedingly /High/ Levels of BDSM, and Eggs (I play a lot of reptiles, but I've found it just doesn't do it for me). Otherwise if it comes up, I'd let you know.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Elf