Gilly Redmyer

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Age: 26
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Class: Gun Cleric
D/S: Sub Leaning
Dakka?: You know it.

Gun toting cleric of a god whose existence is rather questionable, Gilly is something of an artificer as well, one who rides the boundaries between worship and science. Her methods are odd and her creations are sometimes *literally* held together with glue and a prayer, they seem to have a strange efficacy despite it all.

Slightly taller than average for her kind, but still incredibly short, Gilly is a good deal more verbose and sociable than some of her kin, but she still hasn't lost those wild and crazy roots of hers either. And as is typical for Goblin females of her age, she is rather stacked both in the front and the back- something she makes no effort to hide if the visible tramp stamp is anything to go by.

One could consider her a bit of a 'Sinfar vacationer'.

Greens: I don't particularly have a lot of limits, so feel free to at least ask about most things and I promise I won't bite!

Non-Con is ok! Just ask first.

To give you an idea of things I like though: BDSM, Sex Slavery, Exhibitionism, Pet Play, Watersports, Humiliation, Degradation, Bestiality, Long Term Rp, Story Smut Mix, Monsters, Exotic/Alien, Corruption, Breeding.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human