Amee Mia

Name: Amee Mia
Age: Looking mature and aged
Gender: Female
Sex: Changing
Height: Short but stout
Weight: -Heavy-
Skin: Deathly Pale
Hair: Black
Eyes: Red

A pale elf would stand before you, a sense of pride radiating from her. She'd stand firmly upon two artificial limbs appearing to be constructed from a dark dull metal. Both having marks left on them in a chaotic manner, at closer inspection they would appear to be dents and slash marks from blades and blunt weaponry. Her gloved hands would appear to have a line of separation, leaving one to imagine that indeed, those two were artificial in nature, both covered in tiny black dragon scales.

Despite her pale and metallic appearance it would seem she wasn't made entirely of metal or the likes, her face would show expressions just like any other elfs would and she would appear perfectly lifelike in all aspects besides her lower arms and legs. She could often be seen to both smile and laugh. Though when caught in serious matters a vague darkness would catch on, however she would hardly seem vile or evil.

Well hidden beneath her clothes more of her pale skin along with gentle curves, blessing her with somewhat attractive shape. Though nothing was exaggerated. A modest C sized breasts, a somewhat full rear and just barely outlined muscles. However if one were to gaze upon her form without her clothes, a sad truth would be revealed.

Scars and plenty of them appearing in a light grey colour. Though a few larger ones would seem very dominant upon her small frame. More specifically, two mirrored ones, running down the side of her chest and somewhat inwards below her breasts. Another pair stretching from her shoulder blades down to her lower back before reaching inwards by her rear. A few less symmetrical scars would adorn her stomach. Though beyond these there would be countless smaller scars, none appearing as old as the more dominant ones.


Really? You are even considering that? She's a half-golem ye sick fu... Okay, fine.. She's fairly naughty, okay? Give it a go.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human