Mialynn Mirent

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"Catch my breath and hold it for me,
 Unwaste my time, make up my mind."



Name: Mialynn Mirent
Race: Desert Elf
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Visual Age: 20s
Height: 149 cm
Weight: 51 kg
Skin: Tanned, Olive
Build: Thick, Busty
Breasts: Heavy, Hand-Swallowing
Back: Fertile, Hefty
Hair: Black
Eyes: Emerald
Accessories: Numerous Piercings, Jewelry
Scent: Sandalwood, Cinnamon Nutmeg, Vetiver [Maison Louis Marie - No.04 Bois de Balincourt]
Voice: Soft, Low, Motherly
Sexual Orientation: Gynephilic
Sexual Role: Submissive
Occupation: Desert Seer, Trophy Wife
Interests: Warm Locales, Bright Suns, Psychedelics

TL;DR - MILFy Desert Elf trophy wife with seer tendencies. Ponder her orbs.



Kissed by the sun, and forsaken by the moon - Mialynn wore the picture of an Elf beloved by the glimmer of the sun's rays. Tanned skin and inky black black hair paired well with the glimmer of gold that the Elf wore upon long ears and against her skin. While very clearly an Elf, she was not as slender and lithe to most's expectation. Holding exceptional curves in places that would lend to the visage of a 'fertile' shape, Mialynn was both quite the picture and quite the catch for those seeking the warmth of the sun upon their arm.

Seduction and sin were often the first set of words that could easily describe the Elf's features. Long ears and eyebrows, a sharp gaze, and equally fierce cheekbones flowed well into chubby cheeks and a pointed chin. Lips painted with various shades of red gave an immaculate contrast to her white teeth and sun-kissed skin mottled with the delight of freckles across both her face, shoulders, and in small portions about her bust. The feminine charms of a motherly figure were the grace of the Elf's own form. With a chest that even larger hands could sink into, and fertile hips with a large mass to match; Mialynn was certainly a creature built for and by the very sin itself - lust.

A delight to the senses to be certain, a delightful ride of lust and sin along the spine of the world. Mialynn Mirent was much more than simple arm candy, she was the diamond-laced trophy of all wives herself. Small stature paired with hefty, motherly features of someone certain to bear the healthiest of progeny. There were few contradictions which Mia offered, she was a delight to the eyes and senses, and she simply flowed. A figure of both motherly love and embrace, certain to steal hearts and remain trapped in the minds of those who truly wished to entangle themselves in her web.



The mirth of the sun was a fine descriptor for how Mialynn held herself. A bright, bubbling gem that held no reservations nor care for eyes. Whether it be clear showings of affection or simply interest, she bubbled to the surface with nary a care to whom may have been watching at any point. The steps she took oozed confidence as easily as she breathed, full and clearly knowledgeable about her own beauty and what she showed off. Often in adornments that complimented each of her curves and assets, there were little questions about her self-assuredness.

Smiles, grins, and lofted eyebrows were the language of love that she shared when paired with gentle touches and few words. Whispers of delight and teases of breath were the closest to those she truly connected with, a creature of affirmation and affection, as seductive as she was - Mialynn was also a wealth of love. A wreath upon the heart of lovers, and an enticement that was very much hard to resist.



As a desert seer, Mialynn often works with divination; minor prophecies and the like. While not accurate depictions of the future, the sight she holds can be divined with magic and more immediate outcomes can be ascertained through this sort of magic. Whether it be coin flips, or little gambles - the scope of Mialynn's magic is both short and useful. She also has a fair grasp on enchantments and forms of tattoo magic, for all things inclined. While not in the large scope of an all-powerful mage, her tricks are specialized and have uses within their niche.



CURIOUS. Mialynn is naturally a curious individual - whether it be hearing stories or being in places she's never been before, the wonder of the unknown is one of her favorites. New locales that are warm are most likely some of her favorites, where she can experience the touch of the sun.

GLUTTONY. The Elf is a glutton, a lush! Expensive foods and finery are her bread and butter. What trophy wife would be the way she was without the proclivity for the fine and delightful?

ARCANE. A naturally magical creature, the wonder and delight of magic is something that brings out the aforementioned curiosity in Mialynn. Those who offer new spells or instruction are a very clear candidate for the interests of the seeress!

TROPHY. The woman is a trophy wife, she is an arm piece, jewelry to be worn and cared for deeply. So long as those who catch her eye wish to show her off, she will declare proudly her presence of herself and the person she is with. There are no reservations in the way she wishes to be 'shown off'. Envy is a drug she healthily imbibes in.

LUST. While perhaps unclear through the way she holds herself and may seem at times a smidgen 'snooty', Mialynn is a beast of lust. The woman can turn on a switch from a trophy wife to a depraved, drooling slut. It only takes a few specific words or actions to set said switch off, but they are known only to her and very few others.



As a player I'm rather tell-friendly, and I might be tabbed out from time-to-time if you're walking up. If you don't get a response, feel free to send a message and I'll pop right back in!

I also enjoy both plot and sexy themes, and sometimes both at once! While long-term interaction and relationships are preferred, they aren't always necessary.

In terms of availability and approach I am rather shy, but I do adore being approached for simple conversation or roleplay of any variation! I am a chatterbox, however. So if I get annoying, please shut me up! Just refrain from being too weird or catty, please.



[Character-Specific Favorites]

Breaking Rules, Underaged Content, You.

While not inherently a red light, please keep drama in-character. I like to engage in elements of drama in roleplay, but not out of character.

Additionally, if there isn't a kink there? Ask! My tastes are wide and variable, from simple darling romances and marriage, to the most wild and depraved things that sick minds can think of.

F-list coming soon! Go to https://www.f-list.net/c/tartlet for now!


VIII. Addition

Things like updates and character themes will go here. Mainly little bonuses.

[Character Songs]
Entertain Me - Ylona Garcia
cut my fingers off - Ethan Bortnick
Up All Night - The Tech Thieves & Twoxi

U: 17/11/2022

® Baked by Tartlet // 2022

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Player:Blooming Lily of Lynn
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human