Celena Nymathar

Name: Celena Nymathar
Race: Elf (wood)
Sex: Female
Bust: 36 H
Religion: Druid (exiled)
Circle: Circle of Mist
Occupation: None
Hobby: Herbology
Vice: Sex
Bimbofication: Stage 5


A curvacious, luscious example of a wood elf, Celena is an aberration of what typifies the elven form. Most noticeable of her form are her ample breasts and wide hips. Her achingly soft skin, darkly tanned as much of her race tends to be, is without flaw or any hint of hair anywhere but the wild tangle cascading from her head and down her back and shoulders. Though she shows little in the way of musculature, her soft figure is without any but the most necessary weight. Her face is picturesque, a soft smile of pink glossed lips shows under the shadow of the hair framing it, while deep green eyes shine like gems. Typically, if she wears anything at all, Celena can be seen wearing a simple, though extremely revealing dress that leaves nearly nothing to the imagination, her areolae peaking from around the fabric holding it to her chest, while her glistening folds peak out from under the hem of her dress.

Celena is outgoing and friendly to those she comes across, having a magnetic, if not slightly overwhelming personality. Outwardly, she tends to seem somewhat vacant, though her manner, while upbeat and somewhat dismissive, is layered upon an odd sort of cunning. Sparks of acute intelligence shine through a muddled and messy, erratic intelligence. Notably, much of her expertise shines through when she has the opportunity to mix tonics an healing balms. When given such opportunities, Celena shows a dedication and inherent command of her craft that could be likened to expert alchemists. However, nothing seems to pique her interest as much as the scent of arousal, of being in the presence, or of being rapt in a state of carnal pleasure.

That, perhaps, has some relation to the unfortunate side effects of her tonics, which while healing various maladies, also tends to leave ones mind muddled and giddy. Notably, they cause a marked release of any kind of inhibitions, particularly those of a sexual nature. That Celena seems to drink her own tonics with regularity, says much about the efficacy of both the merits, and side effects of her craft.

Special Note

Misty Tonic

An unusual potion of a translucent pink color which seems to bubble, as though carbonated. Sweet, and tasting primarily of strawberries, along with subtle, earthy tones. These tonics are able to heal wounds and diseases. However, they have a tendency to cause a heightened sense of elation and sexual inhibition. Apart from miring the mind, prolonged use of these tonics cause physical and mental changes in the imbiber, of which can become permenant over an extended timeframe.

Healing potions made by Celena are considered Misty Tonics. Drinking such a tonic 'bimbofies' the drinker. This process is slow, and comes in stages. Each stage can 'heal' over time, provided that the last stage is not met.

Stage 1: (1 tonic) This stage has a potency of 48 hours, while under this effect, the creature is released from their inhibitions. They are considered dominated and charmed by -any- creature within line of sight. After another 48 hours from the effects end of duration, if no further tonics are consumed, This stage ends.

Stage 2: (4 tonics) Stage 1 progresses to stage 2. Stage 2 has a potency of 1 week, and along with Stage 1's effects, Stage 2 begins to cause physiological changes, particularly in female creatures. During this stage, breast growth is doubled (Causing breasts to grow in those without them). Additionally, the creature is in a constant state of arousal, evident to others by flushing of their nether regions, as well as a slightly sweetened scent emanating from the creature. After another week from the effects end of duration, if no further tonics are consumed, This stage reverts to stage 1.

Stage 3: (8 Tonics) Stage 2 advances to stage 3. Stage 3 has a potency of 2 weeks, and causes the first permanent physical changes in a creature. Along with the effects of Stage 1 and 2. Stage 3 increases the size of a creatures breasts, and causes their hips to widen. The fertility of the affected creature is greatly heightened, and the creature finds itself in a constant state of 'heat'. After 2 weeks from the effects end of duration, if no further tonics are consumed, This stage reverts to stage 2.

Stage 4: (10 Tonics) Stage 3 advances to stage 4. Stage 4 has a potency of 1 month. Along with the previous stage effects, Stage 4 causes permanent mental and physical changes. The creatures breasts continue to grow to a size larger, and now constantly dribble milk from their nipples. The creature's state of 'heat' becomes a sweet smelling pheremone, which can draw in other creatures, causing a heightened state of arousal within them. The mind of the creature is muddled and giddy, as though intoxicated, causing them to actively seek out sexual pleasure. After 1 month from the effects end of duration, if no further tonics are consumed, This stage reverts to stage 2. If another tonic is consumed before that time elapses, all effects become permanent.

Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human