
Portrait Save



Name: Azel Sirelle
Gender: Male
Visual Age: Mid 20s
Height: 6"0'
Skin: Pale, Alabaster; blue undertones
Build: Swimmer, Lean, Toned
Hair: Sandy Blonde
Eyes: Turquoise
Accessories: Adorned with small gold chains, inlaid with precious gems
Scent: Sand & Surf, Sin & Coconuts
Voice: Baritone, raspy; Arrogant
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Occupation: High Priest, Conservator of Repose
Interests: Where the Land Meets the Sea, Bodies of Water, Indolence

TL;DR Grumpy twunk, slippery when wet.  



Shimmering beneath the radiant gaze of the sun was Aezl, whose pale visage stood almost defiant before the bronzing rays above. There was a hauntingly beautiful quality to him, a striking face cropped with soft, golden tresses; framing the vivid ocean teal gaze beneath. At first glance, he might've appeared to be an elf. The svelte, yet remarkably sturdy frame did well to compliment the sharp edges of his sylvan face. But where thin, pointed ears would sprout forth between locks of wheat were a pair of small turquoise-crested fins. A pair of gills tinged in the same blue-green hue, ribbed the sides of his neck, further belied Azel's normalcy.

There lies a certain charm for those that deal with their lot in life with an ever present state of begrudging reluctance. Gifted with a perpetual scowl that only added to the furrowed brow of his inherent smolder. It spoke to the fierceness bubbling beneath the grace. The cold contrast begged the ever curious passerby to see what other emotional contortions the man could give shape to. Some desires were unseemly; joy and sorrow among them, anger as well, though ecstasy was certainly not an uncommon expression either, despite what his attestations may indicate.

What laid beneath the lazily drawn layers of silks and scintillating golden chains was the carefully sculpted vessel of a warrior-priest; constantly tempered before the beating currents of the watery abyss. But that alone would speak little of his exotic nature, much like the ear fins and the gills, did Azel's maritime features continue to seep through. Navy blue spiny fins lined his shoulders, his smooth, pale skin fading into cobalt at the extremities, and finally another pair of fins that sprouted from his hips; billowing forth like sheer sheets draped over him like any of his many silks.

It almost went without saying that Azel left little to the imagination; letting the heavy weight of his endowments sway unbidden beneath the loosely kept veil. Functionally similar to any other breeding tool, they appeared to be the standard humanoid shape as well, save for the feathery-soft, malleable spines cresting the undercarriage, and carrying the same cobalt coloring that brought ones eyes towards the crown.



Azel held himself in a manner befitting someone of his apparent station. His solemn upbringing granted unto him both power and grace. A solemn, arrogant surety steeped into every step, every swing, every thrust. He was a man fully aware of what he brought to the table where his talents found occasionally lacking. With scant raiment that distracted more than they concealed, decorative baubles that brought out the opulence found upon the flesh they adorned, there was little concern for modesty on his behalf.

As such, he was not the very inviting sort. Bound by duty, most of time he appeared very much unimpressed by the shenanigans of others but seemed to 'play along' well enough. Though he is not without his vices, and one doesn't quite expect the warrior-priest to have an oddly short temper. Excessive teasing is ill-advised. Sunbathing is highly encouraged, though with minimal interaction.  


As one of only several high priests among the Eternal Repose, Azel possesses the typical boons as an intermediary of the divine, as well as no small command over water. Magical and physical proficiencies aside, the priest's trademark were the Rites of Repose, a pelagic ritual used to send others into a special dream-like state. Simply referred to as 'The Dream', it serves as the primary means of sustenance for Azel and his ilk.

Player:Cradles The Mind
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human