
Portrait Save
A human woman in her late teens, or possibly early twenties, with long brown hair and amber colored eyes. A little above average in height, with a decently solid build; defined musculature enhancing her feminine frame.

A diamond shaped face and plump pink lips, her skin is smooth with hints of freckles scattered across the bridge of her nose and cheeks.

She's been blessed with a generous bust, enough to overfill a mans hand. Her hips and butt are broad and round, the tight firmness inviting the eye (or maybe a smack).

When it comes to what catches her eye: masculine frames have her interest far more than feminine ones.

First & second person emotes. Three-or-more-somes. Vomit. Shit. Ninja-loggers.

Monster characters. Culture differences. Tribal. Abduction. Force/Rape (receiving). I'll try just about anything once.

If her location is hidden I'm in an RP, or otherwise indisposed, and do not wish to be disturbed. Otherwise feel free to seek her out IC.

I have been informed that the character may be glitched, so, if something seems off (like no body) please let me know!
Player:And so it went
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human