Frenella Arlen

Portrait Save
Now for something completely different.

I know it's unlikely, but this character is made for a long RP over several sessions, there is absolutely no chance of her hopping into bed five minutes after she meets someone, or five hours for that matter.  It takes more than that.

If that kind of ongoing RP is what you've been looking for, with a probable reward at the end of it, then her location isn't hidden and it won't be.

Her looks and habits:

Kind of tall for a halfling
Kind of short for an elf
Kind of thin for a dwarf

Outgoing and likes to talk but painfully shy about some things, awkwardly avoiding the subject if she can unless someone can get her to trust them enough to open up, then she could 'open up' completely.

A nice dungeon crawl followed by a visit to a beach might help, she loves sitting by the water watching the waves or reading a book on magic.

4' 4"
It's hard to tell her age, she might be a few years short of 20 but could be older, she doesn't look or act a bit childish
She's just small, even for an elf
Sort of slender in the hips and chest
Everything matches her size
Shiny black hair most often worn long
Slightly pointed ears but not too 'elfy'
Brilliant blue eyes behind big round glasses
A few freckles across her nose and cheeks
Likes big hats and soft boots
Almost always carries her 'magic stick'


Yes she might, but probably not with you
That's going to take a lot of RP work.
She has a long story to tell and needs someone kind and understanding to tell it to before anything else happens.

Nothing absurdly large or playing rough if it does happen, please.
Probably best suited for polite halflings or elves or very patient smaller humans.
Those are hard to come by but she can wait and hope

Born completely female and still in factory new condition, she's been started a few times and her motor works fine but she hasn't been taken for a test drive yet

This probably going to eliminate three quarters of the server but she is
not likely to react very well to girls with extra parts, especially huge ones, or outrageously sized anything, she's tiny.

Rapists and other sleazy or devious characters will only see a 'poof' as she vanishes into thin air

She's here for a story, not a contest to see who can write the worst porn script

Player:Molon Labia
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf