Winifred Martindale

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Winifred Martindale

Is in her 20s, earnest, serious, clearly more concerned with the task at hand.

Medium height, solid build, red hair, green eyes, functional spectacles and calloused fingers.  Smells of dust and formaldehyde.

Get the idea?

Educated accent of indeterminate origin.  The sort of manners one might learn after years living in a university.

Most recent interests include embalming, ancient alphabets, and archaeology.

Green:  RP, libraries, books, details, missing the forest for the trees, building relationships and evolving stories.

Yellow:  ERP. Not off the table, but Winifred isn't likely to be looking for it.  Or paying that much attention.

Red:  Unsolicited tells, pre-set-up "random" hookups, OOC nonsense.

If Winnie doesn't exactly sound like your dream girl that's probably okay.  There are plenty of other fish in the sea.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human