
Portrait Save
Name: Julia Vels
Age: Early 20's
Weight: Slim
Height: Medium
Hair: White
Eyes: Grey
Body Type: Femboyish

A young individual with silky white hair. There is a sunken look to their eyes indicating a jaded worldview. Their gaze scans those around them scrutinizingly, appraising people like cuts of meat. It is unclear if they are a mercenary or an escort, as their delicate features are complimented by a sleek semi-armored outfit, complete with a grizzly sword on their hip.

Occupation: Prostitute, Sellsword
Position: Dependent on the client, leans bottom
Genitals: Penis

//Lights are a WIP, but feel free to message me if you want to try something. =)
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human