
~~~~~~~~~~~~Identity Overview~~~~~~~~~~
Race: Childer (Part Winterfey part Devil all fabulous.)
Age: Ancient (Vayne is thousands of years old but has a youthful puckish way about him and is often times brash, catty and equal parts brat and diva.)
Sex: Yes please and with cream and sugar and a dash of fairy dust should you have some.
Gender: Fluid (Has changed over time. Currently Vayne identifies as male-ish but oft times expresses himself in feminine ways.)
Pronouns: No prefernce (Vayne mostly presents as he/him but if someone throws in a she/her or a bratastic/divalishous he's fine with that too.)
Sexual Orientation: Varies (Vayne likes the wine not the label. In his current form he leans Gynephilia. Vayne is dominate by nature (In a mommy/daddy dom sort of way) and is generaly drawn to feminine traits regardles of the persons actual gender.)

~~~~~~~~~~~~Physical Details~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Vayne is a creature born into a realm known by few as the Veil of Sorrows.. A place that exists in the shadows of dreams.

Like most Childer it is here his true form rests. At times this slumber last for thousands of years. When in this state the shadow he cast into the world moves like a dream, learning growing and experincing the everchanging world.

WIP more to come...........

White: RP, Flirting, Good Natured Snark

Green: ERP,


Red: Site Rules, No scat/gore/vore n such
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Elf