
Portrait Save
"I hunger."

Age: Antediluvian
Race: Concept
Class: Eldritch
Height: 6'0"
Weight: Nil
Personality: Uncaring, apathetic, arrogant, lethargic, socially unaware
Alignment: Neutral

The being you see before you carries an eerie air about her.. it? The voluptuous feminine shape implies a 'her', yet the atmosphere of otherworldly strangeness suggests that such simple categories do not apply.

Whatever the case, 'it' has adopted a form that suits its self-determination.. broad hips and womanly breasts offset by the insectoid limbs stretching out from its back. Its body clad in a material that looked like it was as much skin as it was sleek, shiny chitin, making it hard to tell if 'she' was wholly naked or not in 'her' appearance. Sporting a pair of humanoid legs that ended in narrow points instead of feet, and a set of four clawed arms that crossed over 'her' buxom bust.

Though 'her' physical features were certainly appealing to the eye, the lack of a face was perhaps the most startling and troublesome. A faceless white surface wrapped in black without eyes to see where or what the being was looking at only adding to the questionable nature of the entity.

Its origins equally unknowable, even those with experience in such things would merely be able to define its existence as that of a concept or a thought given physical form.. but  perhaps the even more worrying question in the end is what twisted mind or collective consciousness gave rise to such a being in the first place?

[Being an ancient Lovecraftian horror, she naturally doesn't immediately come across as erotic or sexual. Thankfully it's Sinfar and there's no shortage of magical items or black market artefacts that could be used to remedy this, physically. Mentally she might need some coaxing.. or just be so utterly apathetic that she won't even respond to being molested.]

Hypnosis, mind control, trickery/deception, exploitation of (created or manipulated) naivety/gullibility, mild physical alteration (mainly physical proportions), gangbangs, imperfect men, sleazy men, old men, heavy/overweight men, monstrous men (preference to goblinoids, orcs, ogres, trolls, minotaurs, etc), the lower classes (dockhands, thugs, peasants, vagrants, beggars, etc), sailors/pirates, big loads. *Implied* pregnancy. Gypsies/crones/hags/witches with curses and trickery.**

Toilet-play, filth, outright rape, blood/pain, pregnancy, slavery, transformation into animal/anthro/inflation/etc, permanent alteration or damage, 'super handsome'/Adonis type male characters, futas, herms, females**, twinks, shemales, femboys, etc.

(!) **(Pretty much open to interacting with female characters, though never for ERP but for the purpose of her being tricked and manipulated into illicit acts with men.)
Player:Pinkie's Welcome Song
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human