
Name: Charlotte
Age: 20's?
Race: Planar-touched... something. Tiefling?
Height: 4' 8"
Weight: 85 lbs
Skin: Pale-blue
Hair: Ruddy red
Eyes: Orange-y

This skinny waif of a woman seems to be drifting through life without much of a care for planning for the future. Quick with a word or a gesture, she seems like she's living for the moment given the state of her often disheveled clothing and a fairly consistent air of cigarette smoke or a wafting odor of recent drinking.

The one thing she is constantly doing is making deals, seeming willing to barter her way through life towards whatever she wants at a given moment.

This is a character for full-consequences play with their roleplay, though not looking for particularly or completely dark themes.


Red: Scat/gore/vore
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf