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A half-elven woman in her early to mid twenties, with long blonde hair and deep green eyes. About five-foot-four in height, and sharing fairly equal traits from both sides of her family tree. Long elvish ears, but not as willowy as a full fledged elf.

An inverted triangle shaped face and soft pink lips, her skin is smooth and naturally tan, caramel, rather than brown, telling she may have either wood elf lineage, or chultan.

She's certainly pretty enough, or cute, depending on the observer, but a lack of exaggerated curves may keep viewers from giving her a second look. Her frame well enough toned, defined by wiry muscle, showing she's not likely strong, but has good endurance. Her hips and butt are round and tight, which do invite the eye (or maybe a smack).

At least, the above description used to be accurate. Now the half-elven girl looks to have the proportions of an exaggerated blow-up doll. Her breasts far too large, and obviously not natural, her waist cinched, with broad round hips and butt. At least she's balanced out in an hourglass shape.

Sometimes, she may wear a little extra padding for her bust, and often looks at larger breasted women with subtle envy.

When it comes to what catches her eye: masculine frames have her interest far more than feminine ones. And she seems to have inherited the blood born hatred of orcs.

First & second person emotes. Three-or-more-somes. Vomit. Shit. Ninja-loggers.

Monster characters. Culture differences. Tribal. Abduction. Force/Rape (receiving). I'll try just about anything once.

If her location is hidden I'm in an RP, or otherwise indisposed, and do not wish to be disturbed. Otherwise feel free to seek her out IC.
Player:And so it went
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Half-Elf