
Name: Mortimer

Race: Human (Adeptus Astartes)

Gender: Male

Age: 30

Height: 8'5" feet

Weight: 190kg


Mortimer is a towering figure, standing at an imposing height of 8'5" feet tall and weighing in at 190kg. His power armor is a shining silver and gold, with the emblem of the Grey Knights prominently displayed on his chest plate. Mortimer's face is flawless, with sharp features and a square jawline. His short hair is dark brown and styled in a military buzz cut, with a short stubble on his chin. His eyes are cold and soulless, with a deep brown color that seems to stare right through you. His voice is deep and commanding, with an almost hypnotic quality to it.


Mortimer is armed with a powerful sword of unknown origin. The blade is made of a strange metal that seems to shift and change in color depending on the angle of the light, and glows with a gold aura. The hilt is made of gold and is encrusted with a variety of precious gems. Mortimer's armor is a suit of Grey Knight power armor, blessed by the Emperor and infused with the power of the Warp. The armor is a shining silver and gold, with intricate designs and symbols etched into the metal. Mortimer's helmet is shaped like a stylized skull, with glowing red eyes that seem to pierce through any opponent.


As a Grey Knight, Mortimer possesses incredible strength, agility, and endurance. He is a master of both hand-to-hand combat and ranged combat, and his swordsmanship is unmatched. Mortimer is also a powerful psyker, able to tap into the power of the Warp and use it to devastating effect. His mind is shielded from the corrupting influence of Chaos, allowing him to resist the temptations that corrupt lesser men.

Mortimer is a stoic and disciplined warrior, fiercely loyal to the Emperor and the Grey Knights. He is completely devoted to the cause of eradicating Chaos from the galaxy, and will stop at nothing to achieve this goal. He is a man of few words, preferring to let his actions speak for themselves. Mortimer has little patience for weakness or failure, and will not hesitate to discipline or even execute those who fail to meet his exacting standards.


Mortimer was recruited into the Grey Knights as a young boy, taken from his home and trained in the ways of the Adeptus Astartes. He quickly rose through the ranks, demonstrating an unparalleled mastery of both physical and psychic combat. Mortimer has fought in countless battles against the forces of Chaos, and has earned a reputation as one of the most fearsome warriors in the galaxy. Despite his many victories, Mortimer remains humble and dedicated to his duty, always striving to become a better warrior and a better servant of the Emperor.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human