
Portrait Save
I. The Basics
II. Some Story (Not all of it)
III. Interests
IV. Frequently Asked Questions
V. Final thoughts.

I. (So what do we have here....)

Alabaster is curious creature of clear equine decent. With strong powerful thighs that are back canted and legs ending in hooves. Although she doesn?t have the typical giant plume of a tail common in many other horses, she does have a luxurious and full mane of hair that travels over her back and runs down her shoulders. That hair seemingly the only thing actually giving her any form of concealment as she prefers being in the nude other then an assortment of jewelry and a simple belt with a few bags. This does provide a rather luxurious view of her however?

Alabaster has  very matronly figure, broad shoulders and strong arms that are well muscled without looking bulky. Her hips are wide and her legs look powerful enough to pull a carriage should she need them for that. Her eyes are a deep radiant purple and her hair a soft gray that on close inspection is oily and thick, much like the hair of a horse. Speaking of which her entire form is covered by a dense thick fur, short but nice and smooth to the touch. She also has a thick spiraled horn that extends from the top of her forehead, clearly making her out to be some type of unicorn like creature.

Alabasters chest is particularly heavy but her waist narrows considerably from it, giving her a rather perfect hourglass shape that would make any supermodel jealous. This along with her musculature sort of gives both a feminine and masculine appeal all at once. Though any doubts as to what she might prefer in the bedroom are left answered as between her thighs is a very thick equine cock that swings back and forth. Her eyes also tend to follow those of the more feminine form, and in particular human females.

II. (Why Alabaster is in Sinfar...)

Alabster is from the realm of Gulvarin. Within this realm magic is quite common, but only among a very specific group of the population, specifically the equine. You see, within this realm equine people are very common, usually being one of several different categories, the basic equine, the Pegasi, the Unicorn, and the Alicorn.

Her world is very, well to be blunt, its actually rather racist with all other races being below her own. Even down to the point that others are subservient to her own and many enslaved. The highest sough and most common slave being humans, as a war was waged against them long ago and after conquering them they became the primary slave cast. Alabster herself has had many human slaves that she sadly had to leave behind when she fled?

Which brings us to the next interesting point? Alabster is in fact a fugitive? remember when I said she came from a realm with other equine? Well that caste system she comes from actually made her a person of nobility, someone to be respected and a wielder of powerful magic.. up to the point that she upset someone in the cast above her own.. the Alicorn? at which point a warrant was put out for her arrest.. forcing her to flee Gulvarin and come to the realm of Sinfar.

The reasons she upset someone and details of who she is running from can be found out through talking to her? but lets just say Alabaster is not a very good person, she might look all pretty and majestic but at her core she is actually rather cruel and sadistic, seeking only to have her fun and then toss people aside once they bore her.

III. (Ok yeah but whats she into?)

She tends to have a strong preference for human female women that have good figures for rough use. She will likely treat them sort of poorly given where she has come from and what she is used to and essentially insist they are lesser then herself, but much like any lost pet, she would give them a good home and plenty of food. Essentially she is seeking a dominant role with a human female that she can have her way with. Certainly not for the light of heart.

I will say she is NOT into a few things. She is not into other shemales, herms, or men. She also isnt into smaller races that simply cant handle her size, like gnomes, halflings, or elves. She doesnt particularly like dwarves as she thinks they are ugly and the same goes for half-orcs. She also isnt fond of other races as she is basically just used to humans and its what she likes.

Since apparently needs to be spelled out... Alabaster is not interested in other races sexually other then Humans or at least Human presenting without shape changing abilities. She does like celestials as long as they dont have wings. Half-Elves are okay as well.

IV. Frequent Questions

1. Are you tell friendly?
---Extremely! I love to chat, but do keep in mind I'm not going to cyber with you in tells, and once I've answered a question I don't like to answer it again. I am also more then willing to set things up ooc and discuss options for rp. But that does lead me to my second most asked question...

2. Hey my character isnt human would you still be interested in my elf/demon/hin/catling/etc...?
---No I will not. I made this character to give some attention to basic humans and human presenting chars. I think they deserve it and I also like the human model and ways humans look.

3. Alabster is so pretty! Is she nice?
---No... in fact quite the opposite. Alabaster is designed to break commonly held tropes. She is an elitist, fairly racist, and often extremly disrespectful of others feelings and emotions unless they are other equine. She can however be sweet and endearing to those she plans on using and making use of, but much of this is a front.

4. I want to make a human character for Alabaster, can I?
---Yes! In fact I would love it if you did. I have had a few people do this already. This can be for something permanent if you like or just for something fleeting. I would love to help you if you desire it as I am a bit picky on char design. I put a lot into my own and I expect a lot from others. But this also does bring me to some other questions as well...

5. I want Alabaster to own my char, can they?
---Maybe? I am not my char... keep that in mind and while I do enjoy playing Alabaster I am not going to be a dom for you 24/7 nor will I have my char dedicated to yours. I plan on my char being very social and talking to and with many people, and likely fucking many people. So if YOU are a jealous type this likely wont work out.

6. (God I hate even listing this) Alabaster is evil and my char would hate her. Can you just treat my char differently or softer?
---No, I cannot, and will not, unless you have a very very good reason for it. I made the char the way I did. She is a bitch and evil.

V. Conclusion

I am here to have fun, you are here to have fun. So lets have some fun together. While Alabaster might seem  little silly believe it or not she is a serious character with very intense thoughts and opinions. She may catch you off guard, and thats a good thing. I love to rp and will also rp with anyone and everyone regardless of my lights, so feel free to approach and chat.
Player:Unicorn Attack
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human