
Portrait Save

Sex: Female
Race: Human
Sexual Role: Submissive
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Apparent Age: Around 20
Physique: Rather short, slim and busty
Profession: Adventuring Cleric
Alignment: Neutral Good

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Shorter than average height and with a slim waist, Cassandra's lively and occasionally fierce spirit is often at odds with her size. A small individual with no discernible physical strength, she was still fit and of good health. Her step was soft and easy, and her movement had a delicate gracefulness to it. Platinum-blonde locks cascaded down in a wave mane, framing pale, ravishing features and a normally radiant expression. She smiled often; sometimes gentle, sometimes wide, equally genuine and warm in all measures. The young priestess regularly wore plain clothes and dresses, with very few ornaments and jewelry on her figure. Beneath the bright garments there was a slender figure with an enticing curve to her hips and a large chest her clothes often tried to suppress.

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Whether it was innate compassion that led her down her path to begin with, or the life of a priestess cultivating her kindness, Cassandra was a loving and caring individual. Given her warm-heartedness and soft and soft, dulcet voice, first impressions could make her out to be a timid and even delicate individual. Cassandra's gentle demeanor belied a vivacious spirit. She was a curious, even adventurous soul with good humor and an affable nature. Pushing hard enough, one might even provoke a more fiery side of the priestess, but it was subdued for the most part with only a bit of cheek manifesting here and there.

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* Verisimilitude
* Slow-Paced Scenes
* Dialogue
* Headspace: thoughts and feelings
* Conflicted Emotions
* Dub-Con
* Size Difficulties (discomfort for both sides, to the point of no penetration at all)
* Bad Sex
* Layered \ Flawed Characters
* Masculinity
* Criminals \ Thugs \ Low-Lives
* Oral Worship
* Dirty Talk
* Taboo
* Degradation
* Pressured to be an active sub
* Cuckolding \ Adultery
* Outercourse

* Goblins
* Fiends
* Shemales
* Exclusive Penetration Focus

* High-Magic
* Silly Sex
* Mind-Control (spells \ scent)
* Hard Non-Con
* Beasts and Animals
* Cartoonish Sizes
* Flawless \ Omnipotent Characters
* One-Note Doms

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I'm tell-friendly and open to setting up scenes. Feel free to suggest them, or ask questions if my description left you wondering.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human