Naldra Yotaro

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Age: 20

Height: 1'63m

Wight: 56 Kg

(New here)

Naldra Yotaro has a noble appearance, with delicate facial features and smooth, porcelain skin. Her almond-shaped eyes are dark brown and expressive, framed by long, thick lashes. Her lips are full and pink, giving her a youthful and radiant look.

Her hair is black and she wears it in a high ponytail that is neatly tied, accentuating the elegant line of her neck. Her hair is thick and glossy, with a slight wave to it.

If you loooks at her left wirst you could see the remains of a tattoo that in the past was tried to undo through rudimentary methods

Her posture is almost shy, with a slight hunch in her shoulders and a tendency to look down when she speaks. However, she still manages to exude a quiet confidence that draws people towards her. Her posture as well as her gestures indicate that she is endowed with a certain education in etiquette, making graceful and soft gestures.


She is a young woman of noble origin, accustomed to being obedient, her life clearly oppressed by her status has caused her to be a rather embarrassing person.


Adventures, RP, wholesome, cuddling, degradation, dominant partners, slavery.

Dominant females. Ask.

Anal, impregnation, scat, toilet stuff, anithing animal shaped, oversized things, extremily violent stuff, blood.

You can tell friendly ^^
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human