Famian Shar'till

Physical age: 18
Sex: Shemale
Height: 5'6
Weight: 43 Kg
Build: lithe and well toned
Bust:  B cup
Penis size:  Horsecock 16"  
Testicles size: Two massive bulging orbs that hang low  produces gallons of hyper thick cum
Ass: its nice and perky ass
Color: Light Gray
Complexion: Pale,
Shape: Straight
Color: Dark Blue fading to light blue at the tips
Length: Short hair with two pig tails  
Style: long
Shape: Wide set
Color: Glowing Red
Scent: Lightly Spiced Honey and Old books

Distinguishing marks: two small horns and a runic tattoo on her forehead. has a spaded tail that will show off his emotions


Alignment: Lawful Evil
Religion: Sharess
Political affiliation: Cleric of Sharess
Culture: Lust
Occupation: Wizard in training
Hobbies: Reading books. and learning more about magical theories and creatures  
Love interest(s): doesnt know
Sexual orientation: Bi
Dominant hand: right handed
Living arrangements: hotels
Speech patterns: a light lilting tone almost sing song that seems to draw you in
Recurring mannerisms: likes to pull out one of his note books to jot down new information. or to draw  
Native tongue: common
Second language: Abyssal
Additional languages:

Famian the son of Ren has just reached 18 years old and is now out and about the world seeking new magics and to see what he can find out... he can get a bit angry when people call him a girl.. thanks to just how strong his mother is he came out looking like sex on two legs and oh so feminine. no amount of magic seems to work on making him masculine or it only lasts for a bit before he changes back to his normal absolutely beautiful form, since he is young he has no real experience with woman or any one attracted to him and will get flusted quite easily.  
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human