
Portrait Save
Name: Unknown
Race: Clone
Gender: Unknown (Typically if it is presented as Male in appearance it is therefore male and vice versa for the Female)
Height: Tall
Weight: Unknown
Occupation: his\her assignment, stems from the rank he\she holds , a single goal occupies his\her days , to follow the one true and only order , to serve Eternity Ralien
Build: usually reflects the name and the field to which it is assigned,certainly something inherent to magic
>>= Grade:also reflects the name , usually assigned to it during production =<<

Created in the laboratory, based on birth characteristics , the clone is assigned to a specific compartment.
They are unable to make a decision on their own,they always follow the order imposed by Eternity Ralien .
The Hierarchy for Infantry is simple, there are Simple Soldiers and Captains who, it is decided according to the speed and method of how an order assigned to them is carried out after they are created in the Lab.

It is not clear if they can reproduce with each other and they all look the same.

It would appear to be a Plot cross between the various species of creatures living on Arche Terre.


  They usually leave in pairs, formed by a Captain and a Soldier , Scientists and Messengers on the other hand during their task , can also move alone


Green (Always Fine)


Yellow (Probably Fine, but Ask First)

Sex (all kinds)
OOC Approaches
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human