Leaf the Wanderer

*She still doesn't have the whole clothing thing down yet but she's trying, as evidenced by her too-large coat and torn fishnets used as leggings.

*She still doesn't understand or speak common language very well.  

Elusive and wary of others, this woman looks to be more at home in the wilds but has been seen skulking about the cities more often.  A glimpse of softly pointed ears gives her away as a half elf of some sort, the more educated might guess the elven side to be wild or wood.  

~Seen at First Glance~
She is female.  Tight or short clothing show there are no extra parts.

She is curious about people in general and is often found lurking, but doesn't seem skittish at all.

 She isn't usually the sort to speak first, but when she does her voice carries a low, velvety pleasantness despite the severely limited vocabulary. (Alto, think Norah Jones)

~Observations of Those Who Look Closer~

 Her eyes are a peculiar sort of hazel, shifting from pale green to a faded gold to what seems to be a deep, void-like black.

Her form is a study in the balance between beauty and function- soft, feminine curves that bless her backside, hips and the teardrop swell of her breasts do little to hide the subtle strength and control she has in her movements.  There are times, however, if she's caught unaware or startled that her control gives way to a sudden lack of grace, as though she isn't fully used to how her body works.

 Those who get close enough to her may learn more about this strange young woman.

Green: (Always welcome)
Roleplay above all.
Males in ERP

Yellow:  (Let's talk OOC first)
Females in ERP
Gender switchers in ERP

Red: (Never, forget it)
Permanent changes like tattoos, binding/marking scars, sigils, magical 'claims', etc.
Shemales, herms, or any other character who carry both female & male parts at the same time in ERP.
Scat, urine, lactation, disease/sickness filth

Her clothing is piecemeal, cobbled together from what looks to be scraps and worn items previously discarded.  The over all impression is that she isn't fully aware of 'fashion' but rather dresses for more practical reasons, though small trinkets of bone, beads or other such found items can sometimes be seen adorning her hair, ears and clothing.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human