Cassius Agafella

Portrait Save
Name: Cassius
Surname: Non'ya damn business!
Age: Early Fifties
Gender/Sex:  Male
Profession: Adventurer
Specialization: Heavy Weaponry
Orientation: Straight
Hair: Bald
Beard: White
Eye Color: Brown
Skin Color: Tanned

A man, towering above most others, would stand in a casual and relaxed manner, most likely leaning against this or that, to spare his aging body. His hair gone except for a full and greyish-white beard covering his chin and cheeks. Though despite his age, he was more than fit still. His skin weather-beaten and leathery, not to mention darkened by the sun.

He had large and calloused hands, piercing dark  eyes and yet it seemed that he was friendly enough and a loud, boisterous laughter not too far hidden away. Though equally so, he seemed a fine measure of when to be quiet and serious, should a moment call for it.

Reds: Daipers, unbirthing, vore, gore, bugs and insects, and a few others, if in doubt, feel free to ask.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human